2003 UNC Teaching and Learning with Technology Conference
March 2729, Greensboro, NC

Agenda button Plenary Speakers button Events by Date button


In the listing below, the graphic indicates presentations that have related electronic materials such as slides, handouts, and/or web links.

Thursday March 27 (8:30 a.m. 7 p.m.)
8:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.

Check-in desk is open

9:00 a.m. to 10:45 a.m.

Pre-conference seminar: Accessible, ADA-Compliant Web Design   More information

11:00 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.

Opening session with lunch

Plenary speaker Dr. Jeremy A. Haefner   More information

2:00 p.m. to 2:45 p.m.
Featured Presentation by eCollege: Web Accessibility and e-Learning (45 min)    More information
Developing Rich Media Content with SMIL (20 min)    More information
Editing and Revision: Creating Interactive Instructional Animations (20 min)    More information
Developing Simulations for Technology-Based and Enhanced Courses (20 min)    More information
Using the WWW-Phase Three: Pedagogy-Driven Online Laboratory Courseware (20 min)    More information
Seeing Atoms and Molecules in Three-Dimensional Space (20 min)    More information
Volumetric View of Tomography Images Within a RAVE Environment (20 min)    More information
ENTech Quality Teaching and Learning: A Collaborative Partnership with NCCU's School of Education and Durham Public Schools (45 min)    More information
e-Learning Current Practices (45 min)    More information
Kids Say The Darndest Things (45 min)    More information
3:00 p.m. to 3:45 p.m.
Taking the Pulse of the Faculty: Deconstructing Results from a Professional Development Survey on Faculty Attitudes Toward Online Teaching at UNCW (20 min)    More information
Southern Region Cooperative Curriculum Project (20 min)    More information
The UNC Pembroke Media Integration Project: Recent Collaborations (45 min)    More information
TEACH Act: New Copyright Rules for Distance Education (45 min)    More information
High Tech - Making it Adaptable for Rural Delivery (20 min)    More information
Visualization Across the Curriculum (20 min)    More information
Grid Technology and the Concept of an "EduGrid" (45 min)    More information
Interest Group:  e-Learning Pedagogy Interest Group (45 min)    More information
Panel:  Academic Integrity in a Tecnological World (45 min)    More information
4:00 p.m. to 4:45 p.m.
Featured Presentation by CIBER: Asset Management and Ubiquitous Access (45 min)   More information
It's ON Our Website! Why Are You Calling Me? - How to Make Your Web Presence More Human Using Portal Technologies, Collaboration, and Common Sense (45 min)   More information
Using Java Applets to Illustrate Math and Science Concepts (45 min)   More information
Access Grid: Reaching the World (20 min)   More information
Research on Teaching and Learning with Technology (20 min)   More information
e-Learning Collaboration with UNC-TV (20 min)   More information
e-Learning: Lessons from the Corporate World (20 min)   More information
Interest Group:  e-Learning Faculty and Student Support Interest Group (45 min)   More information
Recognition of Digital Scholarship: A MERLOT-Based Initiative at WCU (45 min)   More information
4:45 p.m. to 5:30 p.m.
Poster: Solving the Lab-Science Distance Learning Dilemma: Doing Chemistry in Your Kitchen  More information
Poster: How a Professional Technical Communicator Can Enhance Your Project  More information
Poster: LOBO: A Librarian/Faculty Collaboration  More information
Poster: Publishing an Independent Scholarly e-Journal  More information
Poster: Social Desirability Responding and the Motivation of World Wide Web Survey Takers  More information
Poster: Teaching WebPage Construction in Advertising and Marketing Classes  More information
Poster: Developing Courseware for Teaching, Learning, and Dissemination  More information
Poster: A Multimedia Introduction to Octatonic Theory and Bartok's Octatonic Practice  More information
Poster: Challenges, Content, Collaboration, and Creativity: LIS and Distance Education  More information
5:30 p.m. to 7:00 p.m.
Friday, March 28 (8:30 a.m. 7 p.m.)
8:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.
Check-in desk is open
9:00 a.m. to 9:45 a.m.
Featured Presentation by WebCT: Using Technology to Gain Strategic Academic Advantage (45 min)   More information
Production of Interactive Digital Video for Multimedia Lectures and Web Sites (20 min)   More information
Using Web-Based Discussion Boards to Facilitate Student Learning (20 min)   More information
An Instrument for Peer Review of Web-Enhanced Courses (20 min)   More information
Team Teaching via Distance Learning with an Electronic Textbook (20 min)   More information
Using Reusable Learning Objects to Build Cross-Institutional Library Collaborations (45 min)   More information
Interest Group:  Information Technology Fluency Initiatives on Campus Interest Group (45 min)   More information
Digital Library Development in Support of Teaching and Learning (45 min)   More information
10:00 a.m. to 10:45 a.m.
Online Assessment in Undergraduate Biology Education: Strengths, Limitations and Lessons Learned (20 min)   More information
The PMABS Distributed Learning Network Progress Report: Enhancing Science Education for North Carolina's Underrepresented Minority Students via Distance Education (20 min)   More information
Interest Group:  WebCT Interest Group (45 min)   More information
Panel:  Recognition and Reward for Technology in the Classroom (45 min)   More information
Evaluation Criteria for Learning Objects in MERLOT: Multimedia Educational Resources for Learning and Online Teaching (20 min)   More information
MERLOT and Faculty Development (20 min)   More information
Accessibility (45 min)   More information
Panel:  Networking in the Round: How NC State's Teaching, Learning and Technology Roundtable Changes Higher Education's "Business as Usual" (45 min)   More information
11:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.
Plenary speaker Dr. Carl F. Berger  More information
1:00 p.m. to 1:45 p.m.
Featured Presentation by Blackboard: The Cultural Impact of New Learning Technologies (45 min)   More information
Journal Finder - One Stop Access to Journal Literature (20 min)   More information
A Primer on the Effective Use of Threaded Discussion Forums (20 min)   More information
Interactive Web E-Texts in General Education (20 min)   More information
A Faculty Center for Teaching and e-Learning - Our First Year (20 min)   More information
Uses of Flash MX for Developing Online Learning Materials (45 min)   More information
Solutions3: Three Project-Based Models for Teaching With Technology (45 min)   More information
First Contact: Using Technology to Prepare Students for Class (20 min)   More information
The Relationship Between Text Display Method and Knowledge Retention (20 min)   More information
2:00 p.m. to 2:45 p.m.
We are Many, We are One; The New South Voices Community Partnership (20 min)   More information
Partnership: A Key to Successful University Distance Education (20 min)   More information
Interest Group:  Blackboard Interest Group (45 min)   More information
Streaming on a Budget: Inexpensive Solutions for Media-Rich Courses (45 min)   More information
TLT Assessment and Evaluation (45 min)   More information
Intellectual Property Rights (45 min)   More information
Using Technology to Remove Barriers to Student Success in Introductory Chemistry (45 min)   More information
2:45 p.m. to 3:30 p.m.
Poster: The Impact of a WebQuest on a Humanities Class  More information
Poster: Assessment of Probeware-Based Laboratory Curricula for Introductory Physics  More information
Poster: The iLumina Digital Library: An Educational Resource  More information
Poster: Using Laboratory Probeware in Introductory Physics  More information
Poster: Online Lab for Network Security Courses Delivered via Distance Learning  More information
Poster: Teaching 3D Modeling and Design  More information
Poster: Impact of Technology on the Mathematics Curriculum and Assessment  More information
Poster: Using Threaded Discussions to Create Critical Thinking  More information
Poster: Collaborating with Students to Develop Online Courses  More information
3:30 p.m. to 4:15 p.m.
Teaching and Learning with Virtual Teams (20 min)   More information
Use of the Internet Environment to Standardize Curriculum Implementation and Evaluation For Community-Based Health Sciences Students (20 min)   More information
Using Weblogs to Facilitate Collaboration (20 min)   More information
How Do We Get There From Here? Campus Collaboration to Achieve Information Literacy (20 min)   More information
NC BioGrid - Towards Grid Services in North Carolina (45 min)   More information
PDA Applications in Education: Time for Renewed Consideration (20 min)   More information
Is It There Yet: Streaming Video Past the Stage of Hype -- An Introduction to MPEG-4 (20 min)   More information
Interest Group:  TLT Assessment Interest Group (45 min)   More information
Panel:  Embers of the Real: Human Factors in Online Teaching and Learning (45 min)   More information
TEACH Act: What Are the Institution's Technological Responsibilities? (20 min)   More information
Internet-Based Homework Can Provide Significantly Enhanced College-Level Student Performance: A Case Study (20 min)   More information
4:30 p.m. to 5:15 p.m.
Destination Berlin: A Multimedia Approach to Foreign Language Learning (20 min)   More information
Teaching Literature in the Technology Classroom, and Technology in the Literature Classroom: The Case of William Blake (20 min)   More information
PA Distance Learning-Gross Anatomy, 1998-present (20 min)   More information
Characteristics and Performance of Students in an Online Section of Business Statistics (20 min)   More information
Interest Group:  Web Accessibility Interest Group (45 min)   More information
Panel:  What's the 411? (45 min)   More information
SMIL... The Lab Comes to You! (20 min)   More information
Secure Digital Mobile Classroom (20 min)   More information
Using Just-in-Time Teaching in the Principles of Economics Course: Blending Active Learning with Web Technology (20 min)   More information
Effectiveness of Computer-Assisted Instruction of Pediatric Heart Sounds (20 min)   More information
Best Library TLT Practices (45 min)   More information
5:30 p.m. to 7:00 p.m.
Saturday, March 29 (9:00 a.m. 12:00 noon)
9:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon
Workshop: Designing Usable Learning Web Sites: From Text to Task   More information
Workshop: 3D Models - for the Love of Making   More information
Workshop: Creating Digital Portfolios and Multimedia Content Using Lectora   More information
Workshop: Educational Uses of Computational Science   More information
Workshop: Creating A WebQuest   More information
Workshop: Using Handheld Computers to Apply Principles of Effective Instruction   More information
Seminar: 2 + 2 = 5: Collaborating to Meet TLT Support Needs   More information
Seminar: For Librarians: Discussion of Current TLT and Distance Education Issues   More information

To sign up for a workshop or a seminar, please log in on the registration page and select the "Workshop/seminar sign-ups" link.


Last Modified September 10, 2003
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