2003 UNC Teaching and Learning with Technology Conference
March 2729, Greensboro, NC

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Grid Technology and the Concept of an "EduGrid"

Youngblood, William W.         (919) 962-4630
      Director of Academic Initiatives
      High Performance Computing and Communications
      UNC GA / Office of the President
First co-presenter: Fletcher, Paul    
Organization: East Carolina University
Second co-presenter: Williams-Green, Joyce    
Organization: Winston Salem State University

Abstract (up to 200 words):
Emerging "Grid Technology" operating on high-performance inter-institutional networks is ushering in a strategic revolution in the architectures of shared high performance computing, data storage, and communications systems. "Middleware" -- a grid's operating system software -- is the key element for making a heterogeneous, hierarchical, transparent research and education grid as reliable a tool to faculty and students as is today's word processing and email applications. The first part of this presentation will review the operational concepts of grid technology and middleware. The presenters will provide evidence that North Carolina's universities already have access to technologies that can be marshaled to become the national test bed for an education grid ("NC EduGrid"). An education grid supporting many applications for research, simulation, interactive asynchronous learning, and K-12 outreach can provide North Carolina cutting edge teaching and learning with technology options that are increasingly important to faculty and students. This presentation complements a later presentation (Friday, 3:30pm) on the NC BioGrid, a specific grid technology application whose test bed successes reinforce the belief that an NC EduGrid can become a reality.

Related materials:

Session type:
Long presentation (45 minutes)

Time slots:
C2 - Th 3:00 - 3:45

Grandover W

Last Modified September 9, 2003
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