2003 UNC Teaching and Learning with Technology Conference
March 2729, Greensboro, NC

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We are Many, We are One; The New South Voices Community Partnership

Ryckman, Pat         (704) 687-3408
      Reference Archivist
      Special Collections
      UNC Charlotte

Abstract (up to 200 words):
The New South Voices project, launched in the spring of 2001, is a multidisciplinary, community-wide partnership to collect, preserve and provide access to the rich tapestry of voices representing the Carolina Piedmont at the end of the twentieth century. Technology has been the thread weaving together an eclectic group of oral history projects and collections comprising New South Voices. Audio and video interviews collected by community groups and institutions ranging from the local history museum to an inner-city neighborhood association have joined interviews collected by the University over the past thirty years to become part of a digital archive, accessible via the Web, of our community’s many voices. The Special Collections unit at J. Murrey Atkins Library, UNC-Charlotte, has partnered with these outside organizations to provide access and assure the long-term preservation of this unique teaching and learning resource. The presentation will address technology-based partnership issues, the unique opportunities the digital format represents for enhancing teaching and learning across disciplines and the involvement of students in building the resource from start to finish. New South Voices is an NC Echo project, funded in part with LSTA funds administered by the State Library of North Carolina.

Related materials:

Session type:
Short presentation (20 minutes)

Time slots:
C7 - Fr 2:00 - 2:45

Augusta B

Last Modified September 9, 2003
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