Workshop: Designing Usable Learning Web Sites: From Text to Task
Bosley, Deborah S (704) 687-3502 |
Director |
University Writing Programs |
UNC Charlotte |
Abstract (up to 200 words):
Did you know that * students read 30% slower on screen than from hardcopy? * 90% of all information conveyed on distance learning websites is text? * few faculty understand the web text design issues critical to distance or on-screen learning? This presentation provides faculty with the information they need to design more "user-friendly," readable screens for student learning. During this workshop, we will examine what's wrong with many teaching websites; learn how content writers should respond to users' needs; understand what makes a teaching website; learn the differences in writing for the screen than for the page; and practice the organizing principles, writing strategies, and formatting techniques that are critical to the success of any distance or online learning website.
Related materials: 
Session type:
Hands-on workshop (3 hours)
Time slots:
WS - Sa 9:00 - noon