Initial Development Activities 2, (back to I.D.A. 1)
UNC TLT Collaborative Conference, University Hilton at Charlotte,
March 17-19, 2004
Work session for Support Teams,
Facilitated by Dr. Sallie M. Ives, Director, FCTeL at UNC Charlotte:
Large Enrollment Course Redesign: Support Team Working Session
Description: This working session is supports the continuing discussions among the support teams from institutions already involved in the UNC Pilot Project on Large Enrollment Course Redesign. The goal of this session is to share concerns, issues and successes in the development of the draft statements on “ Institutional Readiness Criteria” and the “Course Readiness Criteria” that were distributed at the workshop at General Administration in early February and also to discuss the “next steps” in the process. The anticipated outcomes from this session include: 1) enhanced understanding of the readiness of the 12 campuses to support redesign activities on their campuses; 2) strategies for expanding institutional support on campus for redesign; 3) overview of the process for redesign that the faculty will need to follow and their likely support needs; 4) tentative timeline. Each team is requested to bring 20 copies of their draft documents to share with the TLT Collaborative Staff and the other institutions.
PowerPoint presentation (SupportTeamWorkshop.ppt)
PowerPoint presentation (SupportTeamWorkshop.htm)
Proposed Steps for UNC Pilot Project (ProposedStepsUNCPILOT.doc)
Proposed Steps for UNC Pilot Project (ProposedStepsUNCPILOT.pdf)
Proposed Steps, including tentative timeline (ProposedTimeline.doc)
Proposed Steps, including tentative timeline (ProposedTimeline.pdf)
8 Institutional Readiness Criteria (8InstitutionalReadiness.doc)
8 Institutional Readiness Criteria (8InstitutionalReadiness.pdf)
Improving Learning and Reducing Costs: New Models for Online Learning, September/October 2003 Educause Review
Work session for Faculty TeamsTeams,
Facilitated by Dr. Sallie M. Ives, Director, FCTeL at UNC Charlotte:
Large Enrollment Course Redesign: Faculty Work Session on Course Redesign Steps
Description: This working session provides an overview of the types of planning that faculty must do to effectively redesign a large enrollment course. In this session we will focus on individual course planning, using the steps developed by the Pew Project for Large Enrollment Course Redesign. Faculty teams who are interested in redesign are strongly encouraged to bring hard copies of their syllabi, course assignments, and assessment strategies (tests, written assignments, etc.) for an existing course that may be a likely candidate for redesign. In this session we will be doing hands-on activities that will lay a foundation for the three types of planning that are necessary for successful redesign: planning for learning, planning for sustainability (costing model), planning for assessment.
PowerPoint presentation (FacultyTeamsWorkSession.ppt)
PowerPoint presentation (FacultyTeamsWorkSession.htm)
Course Planning Tool Instructions (1CoursePlanningToolInstr.doc)
Course Planning Tool Instructions (1CoursePlanningToolInstr.pdf)
Course Redesign Planning Checklist (1CoursePlanningChecklist.doc)
Course Redesign Planning Checklist (1CoursePlanningChecklist.pdf)
Assessing the Impact of Course Re-Design (AssessingImpactCourse.doc)
Assessing the Impact of Course Re-Design (AssessingImpactCourse.pdf)
Basics of Course Development (BasicsCourseDevel1.doc)
Basics of Course Development (BasicsCourseDevel1.pdf)
Presentation and Overview of Project, Dr. Steve Breiner, Assoc. Director, Information Technology Services: Powerpoint
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