First Steps: Presenting the idea to the TLTC Board
and the Chief Academic Officers of the 16 UNC Campuses:
Presentation of Idea to UNC TLT Collaborative Board by Dr. Sallie M. Ives, Director, Faculty Center for Teaching and e-Learning at the University of North Carolina at Charlotte and Co- Chair of the UNC TLT Collaborative Advisory Board.
(downloadable PPT file) Presentation1unctlt.ppt
(HTML in new window) Presentation1.unctlt.htm
Presentation of Proposal for support for Collaborative Redesign to Chief Academic Officers of the 16 Campuses, General Administration, presentation by Co-Chairs of the UNC TLT Collaborative Board: Dr. Steve Breiner of Appalachian State University, Dr. Sallie Ives, University of North Carolina at Charlotte, and Executive Director of the UNC TLT Collaborative.
(downloadable PPT file) Presentationcaos.ppt
(HTML in new window) Presentationcaos.htm
Initial proposal for pilot project and budget:
(PDF) Strategically Redesigning Large Enrollment Courses, Dr. Sallie M. Ives and Dr. Steve Breiner, Co-Chairs, UNC TLT Collaborative Board, 10/30/04
(PDF) Strategically Redesigning Large Enrollment Courses Proposed Pilot Study Estimated Costs, 2003-04, 10/30/04
LIST of UNC Institutions agreeing to Participate in Pilot Project and major contacts