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PDP Portal - Search RESULTS
Your search has produced grand total of:   152   results
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Teaching and Learning
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Word or Phrase:
testing OR grading OR assessment
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Centers, Organizations, Interest Groups Search - 35 results
Conferences, Meetings and Events Search - 7 results
Grants and Funding Sources Search - 6 results
Networking, Collaborative and Sabbatical Opportunities Search - 0 results
Online Collections (databases, lists, etc) Search - 22 results
People (specialists, consultants, facilitators) Search - 0 results
Policies and Procedures Search - 6 results
Projects and Initiatives Search - 6 results
Publications Search - 53 results
Software, Hardware, Services Search - 14 results
Workshop and Training Materials Search - 3 results
Benefits (HR) Search - 0 results
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Centers, Organizations, Interest Groups Search - 35 results

1  Online Resource Center for the California Virtual Campus, Bay Area Regional Center
This site offers resources supporting online teaching and learning such as references to courseware documentation and tutorials, instructional design handouts and tutorials, annotations for timely articles in the field and assessment tools. Useful resources on WebCT and Blackboard tools are also pro . . .
Keywords:  Teaching with Technology, Online Instruction, Computer-assisted Instruction, Course Design.
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2  The International Partnership for Service-Learning
The International Partnership for Service-Learning has originated, designed and implemented international/intercultural Service-Learning programs since 1982. These include undergraduate programs and a Master's Degree in International Service for students from the US and many nations. The Internation . . .
Keywords:  Service-Learning.
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3  Campus Compact: Service Learning and Faculty Development
This web site offers links to Campus Compactís various initiatives in Service-Learning. It lists Service-Learning syllabi by discipline, assessment tools and program models, Service-Learning toolkits, faculty grants and awards, links, articles, statistics, and similar resources.
Keywords:  Service-Learning.
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4  National Service-Learning Clearinghouse
The National Service-Learning Clearinghouse supports the Service-Learning community in higher education, kindergarten through grade twelve, community-based initiatives and tribal programs, as well as all others interested in strengthening schools and communities using Service-Learning techniques and . . .
Keywords:  Service-Learning.
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5  National College Testing Association
The National College Testing Association (NCTA) is an organization of testing professionals in post-secondary institutions and testing companies. NCTA, formerly MPACT, developed from a regional organization founded in 1988 to a national organization in 2000, and focuses on issues relating to test ad . . .
Keywords:  Testing Grading & Assessment
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6  Georgetown University - Center for New Designs in Learning and Scholarship
CNDLS is a partnership of multiple support organizations that come together at the intersection of pedagogy, technology, and information. The mission of CNDLS is twofold: serving as a general center of pedagogy and professional development and taking responsibility for supporting the integration of . . .
Keywords:  Assessment, Curriculum Development, Instructional Design, Resource Development, Distance Learning.
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7  The National Academy for Academic Leadership
The National Academy for Academic Leadership educates academic decision makers to be leaders for sustained, integrated institutional change that significantly improves student learning. Its curriculum is based on research and best practices. Its programs are designed both for institutional teams wor . . .
Keywords:  Readiness for Change, Academy's Curriculum, Professional Development, Assessment, Faculty Reward System, Program Design, Curriculum.
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8  Portland State University's Center for Academic Excellence (CAE)
The main goal of Portland State University's CAE is to promote and support academic excellence in Teaching and Learning, Community Based Learning & University Assessment. The CAE assists individual faculty, interest groups, department, schools and colleges in reaching their goals. Here you will find . . .
Keywords:  Teaching Excellence,Learning Excellence,Community-Based Learning,University Assessment,Teaching with Technology,Portfolio Dev,GA Dev,Service-Learning.
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9  Center for Support of Teaching and Learning - Syracuse University
Center for Support of Teaching and Learning (CSTL) supports teaching and learning through consultation, coordination, research/evaluation, and the provision of direct services. The website provides links to Upcoming Events and Resources which include Consultations, Useful Links, and the very useful . . .
Keywords:  Assessment, Course Dev, First Day, Classroom Dynamics, Grading, Teaching Large Classes, Disabilities, Reflective Practice, Course Portfolio, Evaluation, Institutional Research, Survey Design & Analysis.
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10  Center for Teaching - University of Massachusetts, Amherst
The services of the Center for Teaching (CFT) include consultations with individual faculty and departments, annual award programs, TA training and support, yearly campus-wide events, resource development and distribution, and research and funded grants. UMA received The 2000 Hesburgh Award for havi . . .
Keywords:  Teaching Development,Consultations,Midterm Assessment,TA Orientation,TA Handbook,Instructional Video,Teaching Portfolio,Disabilities,Accessibility.
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11  National Institute for Science Education-College Level One
The NISE College Level One Team, based at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, is a nationwide community of post-secondary science, mathematics, engineering, and technology (SMET) faculty, education researchers, Faculty developers, and students. They sponsor year-long College Level One Institutes, w . . .
Keywords:  Collaborative Learning,Field-Tested Learning Assessment,Learning Through Technology,Meta-Analysis,Assessment Primer,Assessment Techniques,Assessment Tools,Learning Technologies
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12  Center for Academic Excellence-Tufts University
The Center for Academic Excellence helps Tufts faculty members in their dual role as researchers and teachers. They assist faculty in experimenting with new pedagogical methods, thesis advising, writing projects and research, etc. Also on this website are links to various teaching centers. Amongst t . . .
Keywords:  Teaching Handbook, TA Handbook,Essays,Electronic Class Discussion, Course Design, Philosophy, Collaborative Strategies, Lecture Strategies, Testing and Grading, Writing Assignments, Teaching with Technology
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13  Center for Instructional Development and Research-University of Washington
The Center for Instructional Development and Research recognizes that the University of Washington strives for excellence in three areas: research, teaching, and service. CIDR has collected resources, examples, insights from faculty, and stories from students in order to help members of the UW teac . . .
Keywords:  Inclusive Teaching, TA, Assessment, Course Design, First Day, Cooperative Learning, Problem-Based Learning, Service-Learning, Undergrad Research, Handbook for TA's, Portfolios, Midterm Feedback
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14  Professional and Organizational Development (POD) Network In Higher Education
This site is maintained by the Colorado State University. The Professional and Organizational Development Network in Higher Education (POD) foster human development in higher education through faculty, instructional, and organizational development. Links to the various programs and conferences organ . . .
Keywords:  Teaching Excellence,Videotape Consultations,Teaching Analyisis Poll,Tips,Critical Thinking,Teaching Science,Technology,Student Participation,Course Evalutations, Lecturing, Testing, International TAs.
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15  The Southern Regional Education Board
The Southern Regional Education Board was founded in 1948 at the request of Southern leaders in business, education and government; it was the nation's first compact for education. Over the years SREB has worked to improve every aspect of education - from early childhood education to doctoral degree . . .
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16  Rice University - Center for Technology in Teaching and Learning
In 1995, Rice University established the Center for Technology in Teaching and Learning (CTTL) to address the ways in which information technology can expand and enrich education on the Rice campus as well as in other settings. The mission of CTTL is threefold: envision the "system after next" engag . . .
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17  Computer Assisted Learning Center CALCampus
CALCampus is a private, international online learning center, which offers courses solely through the Internet. Enrollment is open to all individual, mature learners anywhere in the world who have access to the Internet. Courses are offered in business, computer programming, computer applications a . . .
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18  ELSIN: The European Learning Styles Information Network
The European Learning Styles Information Network (ELSIN) is an association of researchers, educationalists and trainers interested in the theory and application of Learning Styles. ELSIN was founded in 1995 at the University of Birmingham during a . . .
Keywords:  tlt, Learning/Teaching Styles
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19  PROBLARC - Problem Based Learning Assessment and Research Centre
Based at the University of Newcastle, Australia. The web site describes the work of PROBLARC in detail (conferences, workshops, etc.) and has an excellent bibliography on PBL in the disciplines.
Keywords:  Learning/Teaching Styles, Problem-Based Learning
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20  AAHE Assessment Forum
The AAHE Assessment Forum is the primary national network connecting and supporting higher education stakeholders involved in assessment. It promotes thoughtful, effective approaches to assessment that involve faculty, benefit students, and improve the quality of . . .
Keywords:  aahe, Classroom Assessment Techniques
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21  CAA - Computer Assisted Assessment Centre
Part of the Implementation and Evaluation of Computer Assisted Assessment project; by identifying existing good practice in the use of Computer Aided Assessment, the project aims to demonstrate how to overcome the organisational, pedagogic and technical difficulties of using CAA in higher educ . . .
Keywords:  classroom assessment, Classroom Assessment Techniques
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22  CALM - Computer Aided Learning in Mathematics
The CALM Project started in the Department of Mathematics at Heriot-Watt University in Edinburgh in 1985. Over the years CALM has developed sofware for a variety of subjects including mathematics.
Keywords:  assessment test organization CALM learning
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23  International Centre for Distance Learning (iCDL)
The International Centre for Distance Learning (ICDL) is an international centre for research, teaching, consultancy, information and publishing activities based in the Institute of Educational Technology which received world class rating in the 1992 and 1996 Higher Education Funding Council for Eng . . .
Keywords:  icld international centre for distance learning education research library database teaching collaboration association
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24  UNCG TLC K-12 Materials Collection
Provides materials to support the teacher education programs of UNCG. These materials include K-12 tradebooks, textbooks (current adoption plus one previous adoption), curriculum guides (state, local, and regional) material emphasizing practical teaching aids, selection tools including bibliographic . . .
Keywords:  university north carolina greensboro teaching materials k-12 tlc cmc teacher education
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25  UNCG University Teaching & Learning Center
Promoting Teaching Excellence and Student Learning through Creativity, Collaboration, and Communication.

The University Teaching and Learning Center (TLC) strives to promote a creative and stimulating learning environment, enabling UNCG to achieve its Keywords:  unc schools university of north carolina at greensboro teaching learning collaboration tlc utlc

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26  United States Distance Learning Association
The United States Distance Learning Association is a nonprofit organization formed in 1987. The association's purpose is to promote the development and application of distance learning for education and training. The constituents they serve include Pre-K through grade 12 education, higher education, . . .
Keywords:  distance education organization usdla United States Distance Learning Association
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27  UC Fullerton Instructional Design for Education and Its Assessment (IDEA)
Elements of instructional design focused on web-delivery, particularly with WebCT and Blackboard CourseInfo.
Keywords:  Instructional Design WebCT Blackboard CourseInfo assessment IDEA
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28  UC Fullerton Faculty Development Center
The Faculty Development Center at California State University, Fullerton is dedicated to supporting faculty in their professional development. In keeping with this goal, the FDC supports faculty in their various roles in research and scholarly/creative activities, improving teaching and learning, de . . .
Keywords:  Teaching Learning faculty development CSU California State University Fullerton
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29  Cooperative Learning Center
Maintained by David T. Johnson and Roger W. Johnson, long-time cooperative learning researchers and practitioners, the web site for the Cooperative Learning Center at the University of Minnesota contains valuable background information on cooperative learning including three newsletters and some key . . .
Keywords:  cooperative collaborative learning assessment theory research faculty e-learning
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30  IMS Global Learning Consortium, Inc.
IMS Global Learning Consortium, Inc. (IMS) is developing and promoting open specifications for facilitating online distributed learning activities such as locating and using educational content, tracking learner progress, reporting learner performance, and exchanging student records between administ . . .
Keywords:  association organization consortium IMS global learning online e-learning education assessment
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31  American Association for Higher Education (AAHE)
The American Association for Higher Education (AAHE) envisions a higher education enterprise that helps all Americans achieve the deep, lifelong learning they need to grow as individuals, participate in the democratic process, and succeed in a global economy.
Also features the TLT Group, the tea . . .
Keywords:  TLT TLTR roundtable organization assessment association AAHE
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32  UNCW Technology College
The UNC Wilmington Technology College is a uniquely UNCW program designed to push the outer limits of using electronic technology in university-level instruction. Faculty in the Technology College develop courses that attain the Technology College designation; i.e., they are courses that incorporate . . .
Keywords:  unc schools UNCW University of North Carolina at Wilmington technology college instruction
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33  Technology Tools for Science and Mathematics Learning (UNCG)
TechTools is a statewide inservice professional development program in advanced learning technologies for science & mathematics, grades 3-12.

This 5-year science and mathematics educational technologies professional development program is supported in part by funding from the National Science Fo . . .

Keywords:  UNC schools university of north carolina at greensboro science mathematics learning technology
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34  ECU Information Resource Coordinating Council
The council is responsible for providing a forum for coordination and collaboration to facilitate planning, assessing, and communicating to the university community matters regarding information technology.
Keywords:  ECU East Carolina University unc schools collaboration assessment information technology
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35  UNC Teaching and Learning with Technology Collaborative
The UNC Teaching and Learning with Technology (TLT) Collaborative is a consortial organization, created by the President of the University of North Carolina. The Collaborative actively explores collaborative opportunities and assists in defining and implementing best practices, common services and s . . .
Keywords:  tlt UNC Teaching and Learning with Technology Collaborative consortium
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Conferences, Meetings and Events Search - 7 results

36  Teaching Well Using Technology - Faculty Workshop
Teaching Well Using Technology: A Faculty Memberís Guide to Wise and Time-Efficient Use of Instructional Technology is a planning workshop you should attend before the hands-on learning of any particular technology. In our experience faculty have too often spent time learning how to use technology t . . .
Keywords:  teaching and learning
Event Date(s): May 31, 2003 to June 1, 2003
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37  Improving Student Learning Through Institutional Change
The Collaboration for the Advancement of College Teaching and Learning's 14th Annual Summer Institute - For 13 years, The Collaboration's Summer Institutes have helped dozens of colleges and universities develop new courses, curricula, assessment efforts, and other programs to improve college teachi . . .
Keywords:  change, organizational development, assessment
Event Date(s): June 7, 2003 to June 11, 2003
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38  10th Annual EDiNEB International Conference
Impact of Culture and Education on Learning Practices. Here are just a few of the encouraged themes: Innovative education practices, Integration of culture and education, Collaborative learning methods, Designing learning content, New architectures for learning platforms, Making econ . . .
Keywords:  learning, teaching, technology
Event Date(s): June 18, 2003 to June 20, 2003
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39  2003 AAHE Assessment Conference
This yearís assessment conference responds to the National Research Councilís call for a "Richer and More Coherent Set of Assessment Practices." As described in its report Knowing What Students Know: The Science and Design of . . .
Keywords:  Assessment
Event Date(s): June 22, 2003 to June 24, 2003
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40  Third Annual Institute on Learning Communities
The Institute will focus on learning community theory and practice, emphasizing: strategies for situating and shaping programs to serve learners and their actual needs; curricular design and planning; community and ways to foster it; l promising pedagogies; evaluation and assessment; and lear . . .
Keywords:  Learning communities
Event Date(s): June 24, 2003 to June 29, 2003
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41  NLII Focus Session : Rubrics for Transformative Assessment Systems
The focus session is designed as part of the Transformative Assessment Project to elicit new ideas about assessment practices and systems that can transform teaching and learning and to help institutions of higher education put these ideas into action. Transformative assessment systems are instituti . . .
Keywords:  Assessment
Event Date(s): July 20, 2003
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42  Thirty-Third Annual Conference of the International Society for Exploring Teaching and Learning
ISETL encourages college and university faculty and practitioners from all disciplines to develop, study , and apply learner-centered peinciples of teaching, learning, and assessment in innovative, yet effective and practical ways.
Keywords:  learner centered, assessment, scholarship of teaching
Event Date(s): October 16, 2003 to October 18, 2003
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Grants and Funding Sources Search - 6 results

43  U.S. Charter Schools - Grant Resources For Starting Your Own School
Charter schools are nonsectarian public schools of choice that operate with freedom from many of the regulations that apply to traditional public schools. The "charter" establishing each such school is a performance contract detailing the school's mission, program, goals, students served, methods of . . .
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44  National Science Foundation Information Technology Workforce (ITWF)
* The Information Technology Workforce (ITWF) program welcomes proposals that address important research questions related to the under-representation of women and minorities in the IT workforce. One of the three themes for proposals is understanding how the overall educational environment influence . . .
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45  The Paul G. Allen Virtual Education Foundation
* The foundation primarily funds projects to produce digital content for education, including, but not limited to, multimedia instructional materials and instructional software. Grants support the design, testing and production of digital materials. The foundation also supports projects focused on t . . .
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46  National Science Foundation Course, Curriculum, and Laboratory Improvement (CCLI)
* The Course, Curriculum, and Laboratory Improvement (CCLI) program seeks to improve the quality of Science, Mathematics, Engineering, and Technological (SMET) education for all students and targets activities affecting learning environments, course content, curricula, and educational practices.

. . .

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47  Handspring Foundation
Grants of up to $25,000 are available to nonprofit groups that operate programs dedicated to preschool-through-12th-grade education or to issues directly related to at-risk children and youths. Preference will be given to organizations with a strong component of outreach to underserved young people, . . .
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48  National Science Foundation Computer and Information Science and Engineering (CISE) Program
* The objective of this program is to stimulate innovative educational activities at the undergraduate level in the Computer and Information Science and Engineering (CISE) disciplines by encouraging the transfer of research results into the undergraduate curriculum. The program supports the design, . . .
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Online Collections (databases, lists, etc) Search - 22 results

49  The Learning Tree
This web site offers some very useful articles on Distributed Course Delivery and Problem-Based Learning.
Keywords:  Problem-Based Learning, Distributed Course Delivery, Distance Education, Facilitation, Assessment.
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50  Southern Illinois University - Classroom Assessment Techniques
An excellent resource on Classroom Assessment Techniques, this web site covers a wide range of topics that describe Classroom Assessment. For each of the topics, excerpts from well-known sources are provided, and added notes and examples are given wherever needed. Topics include Primary Trait Analys . . .
Keywords:  Classroom Assessment.
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51  Compendium of Assessment and Research Tools (CART)
The Compendium of Assessment and Research Tools (CART) is a database that provides information on instruments that measure attributes associated with youth development programs. CART includes descriptions of research instruments, tools, rubrics, and guides and is intended to assist those who have an . . .
Keywords:  service learning
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52  Testing, Grading, Student Conduct, and Classroom Management
Tthe University of Washington's Center for Instructional Development and Research (CIDR) web pages list web-sites that may help you to envision and design your course.
Keywords:  Course Design/Planning, Classroom Management, Testing Grading & Assessment
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53  Handheld Computers and Wireless Environments in Education
Handheld computers in a wireless environment can be used to facilitate student learning, provide feedback to instructors about students' understanding of material, and gather assessment data during instruction. Many projects exist that utilize either handheld devices, wireless environments, or both . . .
Keywords:  handheld, wireless
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54  Palmtop Medicine at VCU
Medical students have joined faculty in testing the usefulness of Personal Digital Assistants (PDAs) in the clinical setting.
Keywords:  PDA, Palm. medicine
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55  Assessments in Instructional Technology
A collection of assessments related to instructional technology. For each assessment the presence of the actual assessment, the protocol used to administer the assessment and the results of the assessment are indicated.
Keywords:  assessment, Instructional Technology
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56  Resources on Teaching and Learning: Books, Articles, and Websites
This website gives an elaborate listing of resources on the topics of Teaching and Learning. Teaching and Learning Centers across the United States have contributed to this list, including those at Indiana University, Northwestern University, the University of Massachusetts Amherst, and Stanford Uni . . .
Keywords:  Course Design,Getting Started,Collaborative Strategies,TA Training, Writing, Testing, Grading, Technology, Lecture Strategies, Discussion Strategies.
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57  IDEA Papers - Kansas State University
IDEA Papers are small works, usually 4-6 pages, concerning a wide variety of Faculty Evaluation and Development issues. In most cases, the topic of each work should be easily obtained from the title.
Keywords:  Student Evaluations. Teaching Tips, testing. syllabus
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58  Teaching Tips: Teaching & Learning Center at University of Nebraska-Lincoln
The services of the TLC at UNL range from helping an instructor construct a better test or ask better questions to assisting faculty with grant proposals or instructional planning, and responding to faculty requests for information on teaching. On this website, you will find a comprehensive list of . . .
Keywords:  Planning a Course,First Day,Suggestions for TAs,Question Types,Effectiveness, Notetaking, GTA services,Exam Services,Teaching Initiatives,Peer Review,Undergrad Learning Communities,Internet Resources
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59  TA Handbook Database Query Results
This site, courtesy of Tufts University, provides a wide range of resources for TAs. It includes links to TA Handbooks, as published by various Universities. It also includes useful links to relevant essays.
Keywords:  TA, TA Handbook, Debates, Assessment, Grading, Problem Solving, Teaching Portfolio, Distance Learning, Information Literacy.
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60  Peterson's
Welcome to the most comprehensive and heavily traveled education resource on the Web, brought to you by Peterson's-the nation's leading provider of educational content, including college search and selection, test preparation, and lifelong learning. Since its founding in 1966, Peterson's has helped . . .
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61  Online-Pedagogy Connected Education Portal
Cable. T. Green's "connected learning" site features
  1. bibliographies and web links
  2. information on philosophies, theory and pedagogy
  3. development and design
  4. tutorial and organization
  5. assessment and evaluation
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62  SREB Database for K12 Instructional Materials
EvaluTech is a searchable database that contains more than 5000 reviews of instructional materials recommended for classroom use in kindergarten through grade 12. Trained reviewers using extensive criteria evaluate these materials. Products evaluated include computer software, audio/visual materials . . .
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63  Internet Resources for Higher Education Outcomes Assessment
Maintained by the University Planning & Analysis office at North Carolina State University, this is a list of resources focusing on individual institutions' assessment programs.

keywords:assessment outcome higher education NCSU North Carolina State University

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64  The Virtual Education Database at Parkland College
The database is searchable in in a variety of ways:By Discipline - General/Non-specific or Multiple, Mathematics, Computer Science, Computer Information Systems, Physical & Life Sciences, Business/Marketing/Management, Agriculture, English/Composition, Literature/Poetry, History, Sociology, Psycholo . . .
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65  PBL Clearinghouse
PBL Clearinghouse a collection of peer-reviewed problems and articles to assist faculty in using problem-based learning. Teaching notes and supplemental materials accompany each problem, providing insights and strategies that are innovative and classroom-tested. Beginners in PBL will benef . . .
Keywords:  Problem-Based Learning
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66  Using Innovation
The University of Surrey's "Using Innovatoin" site covers computer assisted assessment, evaluation, open and distance learning, assessment, legal issues, publications, and using new technology.
Keywords:  e-learning
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67  Outcomes Assessment in Higher Education
Links to a vast array of resources on assessment in HE. The links are loosely categorised into University Assessment Pages (American), General Resources, Agencies, Assessment Instruments and Techniques, Papers, Benchmarking, etc.
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68  On-line Pedagogy Connected Education Portal
This site provides research and literature reviews of on-line and connected learning, philosophies, theory and pedagogy of various instructional strategies, the development and design of a connected course, tutorials for instructors to learn how to create and teach in an connected learning environme . . .
Keywords:  distance education online learning pedagogy tlt teaching technology assessment portal
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69  UNCG TLC Teaching Resources
A selective list of web sites and resources for teaching.
Keywords:  teaching instruction assessment education professional development
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70  Resources for Assessing and Evaluating Technology Readiness & Effectiveness
"This resource focus on tools and resources for evaluation and assessment of teacher and school technology readiness, instructional programs and technology plans. It is divided into 4 sections:
  1. Sources for Assessing Staff Technology and Readiness
  2. Sources for School Technology and Readin . . .
Keywords:  assessment quality evaluation measurement instruction technology readiness plans planning
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Policies and Procedures Search - 6 results

71  North Carolina's ABCs of Public Education
Conatins history, overview, curriculum, reports, and statistics relating to North Carolina's ABC program.
Keywords:  Testing Grading & Assessment
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72  Educause Institutional Readiness Assessment Tool for Technology
The READiness InventorY system, as it was envisioned and as it is evolving, is designed as an educational tool, to be used by groups of people (teams, committees, staff) at institutions of higher education that are grappling with decisions about the use of technology. The READY system has three prim . . .
Keywords:  eLearning, online learning, technology planning, readiness assessment
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73  Web-based Education Commision Policy Issues
The Commission focused on specific attention on the following set of policy issues to better understand the impact the World Wide Web can have on transforming and improving learning and achievement: Technology Trends; Pedagogy; Access and Equity; Technology Costs; Teacher Training and Support; Reg . . .
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74  San Diego State University Distance Education Policy
This site provides 11 principles for distance education at SDSU, including implementation guidelines in the areas of Curriculum and Instruction, Evaluation and Assessment, Library and Learning Resources, Student Services and Admissions, and Facilities and Finances.
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75  UNCG Basic Technology Competencies for Students
A list of basic technology competencies for UNCG students (including links to campus resources where the competency can be acquired) in the following 10 areas:
  1. Computer Operation
  2. Setup, Maintenance, and Troubleshooting
  3. Word Processing
  4. Spreadsheet/Graphing
  5. Library Research < . . .
Keywords:  UNC schools UNCG university of north carolina at greensboro technology competencies students assessment outcome
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76  UNCG Distance Education Policy
This policy addresses issues related to the creation and delivery of distance education programs concerning ownership, compensation, control, evaluation, and quality, as well as other rights and responsibilities that may not be adequately addressed by existing UNCG policies.
Keywords:  distance education intellectual property faculty assessment e-learning legal
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Projects and Initiatives Search - 6 results

77  Problem Based Learning Initiative (PBLI)
The PBLI is a group of teachers and researchers, at Southern Illinois Universityís School of Medicine, involved in PBL and active in faculty educational development. They provide education, consultation and support to teachers and organizations in any discipline, profession, training program or educ . . .
Keywords:  Problem-Based Learning.
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78  Critical Thinking Assessment Project
The Critical Thinking Assessment Project at Cal State-Chico seeks to develop and make available an adequate, modular instrument for the assessment of critical thinking competence both generally and in the contexts of specific disciplines. The organization and reporting methodology of this modular in . . .
Keywords:  Critical Thinking
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79  Project Numina - UNC Wilmington
Project Numina is an attempt to improve meaningful learning of abstract science and mathematics concepts by integrating media, interactive exercises, and hypertext materials into the classroom using hand-held PCs (H/PCs) connected to a wireless network. This technology provides students with a rich . . .
Keywords:  Cheminstry, wireless, hand-held PCs
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80  Course Development
The Center for Teaching and Learning offers a reflective planning process designed to assist faculty in the conception, design, practice, and assessment of course experiences at UNC-Chapel Hill. Faculty who wish to participate this program should submit a written project proposal or arrange a meetin . . .
Keywords:  course development, course planning, course development, course revision, instructional development, instructional grant
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81  Field-tested Learning Assessment Guide (FLAG) for Science, Math, Engineering & Technology Instructors
This Primer is designed to welcome you to the world of classroom assessment. Developed by the College Level One (CL-1) Team. Learn better ways to assess student learning in your class and in helping your students become more reflective and effective l . . .
Keywords:  assessment student learning theories evaluation measurement
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82  RFI on Learning Management Systems
The Strategies for On-line Learning Infrastructure Development (SOLID) project of the UNC TLT Collaborative has posted a "Request for Information" (RFI) document. By responding to this document, vendors of Learning Management System (LMS) will allow SOLID to conduct a detail cross-comparison of LMS . . .
Keywords:  solid lms cms rfi collaborative tlt unctlt assessment course management system
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Publications Search - 53 results

83  Web-Enhanced Instruction: A Mixed Bag Contradictions and Possibilities for Doctoral Education
by Carol A. Mullen in Academic Leadership. This paper offers a summative assessment of a web-enhanced doctoral course taught in an educational leadership program at a Florida research university. This study extends the current focus in the distance learning literature on undergraduate and masters e . . .
Keywords:  Distance learning, graduate education
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84  Evaluation Of The North Carolina State University College of Engineering Mobile Computing Pilot Program
The goal of this project is to determine how the use of laptop computers and wireless connectivity can enhance the undergraduate academic experience in engineering.
Keywords:  assessment, wireless
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85  Evaluating and Improving Undergraduate Teaching in Science, Technology, Engineering, amd Mathematics
This report recommends a set of strategies to evaluate undergraduate teaching and learning in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM). It is based on a study conducted by a National Research Council (NRC) committee charged with synthesizing relevant reserach in pedagogy and practic . . .
Keywords:  assessment, science, technology, engineering, mathematics, undergraduate teaching
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86  An Introduction to Classroom Assessment Techniques - CELT, Penn State University
This publication of the Center for Excellence in Teaching & Learning at Penn State, written by Diane M. Enerson, Kathryn M. Plank, and R. Neill Johnson, briefly outlines Classroom Assessment Techniques that are easy to use, interpret, respond to, and modify. It includes general recommendations on th . . .
Keywords:  Classroom Assessment.
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87  Classroom Assessment Techniques FAQ
A good FAQ on the topic of Classroom Assessment. Quick to read, easy to understand and follow.
Keywords:  Classroom Assessment.
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88  CIDR Teaching and Learning Bulletin: Classroom Assessment of Teaching and Learning
Description: A brief article on Classroom Assessment that was published in a 1998 Teaching and Learning Bulletin of the Center for Instructional Development and Research (CIDR) at the University of Washington. Gives pointers on how to use The Minute Paper and The Midterm Class Review techniques.
Keywords:  Classroom Assessment.
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89  Excerpt from Classroom Assessment Techniques By Thomas A. Angelo and K. Patricia Cross
This excerpt from Classroom Assessment Techniques, by Thomas A. Angelo and K. Patricia Cross gives an overview of Classroom Assessment Techniques. It shows the importance of CATs and their significance in making teaching more effective. It also offers instructors advice on how to begin using CATís, . . .
Keywords:  Classroom Assessment.
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90  Learning Styles and Multiple Intelligence
This web page provides an explanation of what learning styles and multiple intelligence are all about. It offers an interactive assessment tool for the readerís learning style/MI and practical tips to make each learning style work. The web site also offers links to other similarly useful web sites.
Keywords:  Learning Styles, Multiple Intelligence.
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91  Classroom Assessment Techniques in Asynchronous Learning Networks
As more college and University courses are offered via Asynchronous Learning Networks, such institutions face the important question of how Classroom Assessment Techniques should be implemented for distance students. In this article, author Tom Henderson first describes his attempt to adapt a specif . . .
Keywords:  Distance Education, Classroom Assessment.
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92  Examples from Classroom Assessment Techniques By Thomas A. Angelo and K. Patricia Cross
This excerpt from Classroom Assessment Techniques, by Thomas A. Angelo and K. Patricia Cross gives brief procedures of implementing a few CATs. The CATs featured here are Background Knowledge Probe, Minute Paper, Muddiest Point, One Sentence Summary and Whatís The Principle.
Keywords:  Classroom Assessment.
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93  Assessing Service-Learning And Civic Engagement: Principles And Techniques
This monograph, courtesy Campus Compact, offers a broad overview of many issues related to assessment in higher education, with specific application for better understanding the impact of Service-Learning and civic engagement initiatives. It presents a good discussion of strategies for data collecti . . .
Keywords:  Service-Learning, Assessment.
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94  Student Outcomes Assessment: Opportunities and Strategies
Suugestions for getting started with student outcomes assessment.
Keywords:  Testing Grading & Assessment
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95  Faculty Development 101: Authoring Online Lessons
Authoring Lessons is a useful document to read before designing an online course. This guide describes the "typical" distance learner, student characteristics that instructors must consider when designing an online course, and how instructors can best meet their needs. The process of course planning . . .
Keywords:  distance education, distance learners, student needs, student characteristics, instructional goals, instructional methods, instructional design, technology, course planning
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96  Teaching Tips for Online Courses, Connecticut Distance Learning Consortium
This guide addresses a number of online teaching situations and strategies. Many of the tips included in this guide are summarized from student evaluations of online courses and instructors. Student feedback focuses on what online students want faculty to know, what online students say about assess . . .
Keywords:  online teaching, teaching strategies, plagiarism, student cheating, student suggestions, student evaluations, student needs, class organization, student assessment
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97  Conferencing Strategies for Teaching at a Distance
Instructors are responsible for creating synergy in the virtual classroom. This online tutorial focuses on how to establish collaborative learning (getting two or more students to work together) environments through carefully designed learning activities and the incorporation of effective technology . . .
Keywords:  Web conferencing, collaborative learning, student needs, distance learning, virtual classroom, chat, online discussion, student-student communication, teacher-student communication, participation grades, feedback
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98  Conferencing Strategies for Teaching at a Distance
Instructors are responsible for creating synergy in the virtual classroom. This online tutorial focuses on how to establish collaborative learning (getting two or more students to work together) environments through carefully designed learning activities and the incorporation of effective technology . . .
Keywords:  Web conferencing, collaborative learning, student needs, distance learning, virtual classroom, chat, online discussion, student-student communication, teacher-student communication, participation grades, feedback
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99  Engagement Theory: A Framework for Technology-Based Teaching and Learning
Engagement theory, which emerged from the authors' experiences teaching in electronic and distance education environments, is intended to be a conceptual framework for technology-based learning and teaching. Engagement theory is based upon the idea of creating successful collaborative teams that wo . . .
Keywords:  distance education, online learning, research, collaboration
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100  Classroom Assessment Techniques: A Handbook For College Teachers
This book offers teachers at all levels of experience detailed, how-to advice on Classroom Assessment - from what it is and how it works to how to plan, implement, and analyze assessment projects. The authors, Thomas A. Angelo and K. Patricia Cross, illustrate their approach through numerous case st . . .
Keywords:  Assessment, Classroom Assessment Techniques.
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101  Effective Grading: A Tool For Learning And Assessment
This book, by Barbara E. Walvoord and Virginia Johnson Anderson, enables faculty to go beyond using grades as isolated artifacts. The authors give advice on how to make the classroom grading processes more fair, time-efficient, and conducive to learning. They achieve their goal through a balance of . . .
Keywords:  Educational Theory, Grading, Assessment.
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102  Developing Programs For Faculty Evaluation
This book provides both practical guidance in institutional self-assessment and specific evaluation aids. Author Richard I. Miller identifies forty-five measurable characteristics of postsecondary institutions that can become criteria for a detailed evaluation of institutional performance. Published . . .
Keywords:  Educational Theory, Evaluation, Assessment.
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103  Tips For Improving Testing And Grading
This book, by John C. Ory and Katherine E. Ryan, for college faculty provides a resource for developing, using, and grading classroom exams. Visit for a reivew of this book. Published By: SAGE Publications; ISBN: 0-8039-4974- . . .
Keywords:  Testing, Grading, Preparing Exams.
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104  Assessment Essentials: Planning, Implementing, and Improving Assessment In Higher Education
Assessment Essentials outlines the assessment process from the first to the last step and is filled with a wealth of illustrative examples to show how assessment is accomplished on today's academic campuses. Authors Catherine A. Palomba and Trudy W. Banta describe effective assessment programs and o . . .
Keywords:  Assessment, Evaluation.
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105  The Learning MarketSpace
Written by Carol Twigg, formerly Vice-President of Educom where she founded the National Learning Infrastructure Initiative (NLII), and Bob Heterick, former President and CEO of EDUCOM and Vice President Emeritus at Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, "The Learning MarketSpace" is . . .
Keywords:  Teaching and Learning, Information Technology.
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106  How Do They Know They Know?: Evaluating Adult Learning
This book, by Jane Vella, Paula Berardinelli and Jim Burrow, provides a practical tool for determining the effectiveness of teaching and learning. Using real-life case studies, the book shows how the model works in a variety of settings to help trainers evaluate adult learning. Visit < http://halled . . .
Keywords:  Evaluation, Assessment, Adult Learning, Training.
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107  What Works in Online Courses
"What Works" is the result of an instructional design workshop aimed at identifying issues that affect online instructors when developing or delivering online courses. This resource introduces best practices for developing online courses, and recommends course design strategies that address the issu . . .
Keywords:  instructional design, online learning, design strategies, e-learning, distance education, instructional methods, SLN, SUNY Learning Network
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108  Blackboard Instructional Design Tips
The creators of this Web site believe that instructional design plays an important part in developing online education. This Web site offers the following instructional design tips to help faculty develop an engaging and instructionally sound Course Site: 1) Focus on organization of online materials . . .
Keywords:  instructional design, online education, distance education, assessment, online materials
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109  The Craft Of Teaching: A Guide To Mastering The Professor's Art
This book, by Kenneth E. Eble, offers fresh insights on issues of enduring importance -- from how to help students learn and how to make the best use of the classroom to the nuts and bolts of assignments, tests, grades, and textbooks. Visit < http://www.cstudies.ubc.ca/facdev/services/newsletter/97/ . . .
Keywords:  Educational Theory, Motivating Students, Tests, Cheating/Plagiarism, Critical Thinking.
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110  Scholarship Assessed: Evaluation Of The Professoriate
This book by Charles E. Glassick, Mary Taylor Huber and Gene I. Maeroff examines the changing nature of scholarship in today's colleges and universities. It proposes new standards for scholarship and faculty performance with special emphasis on methods for assessing and documenting effective scholar . . .
Keywords:  Educational Theory, Scholarship of Teaching, Assessment.
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111  Multiple Choice Testing
The Center for Teaching and Learning at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill publishes suggestions and reflections on teaching and learning. The November 1990 issue of "For Your Consideration..." (FYC) addresses the potential uses and problems associated with multiple choice testing. Con . . .
Keywords:  FYC, testing, multiple choice, exams, validity of tests, reliability of tests
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112  Grading Systems
The Center for Teaching and Learning at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill publishes suggestions and reflections on teaching and learning. The April 1991 edition of "For Your Consideration..." (FYC) discusses a subject that faculty often find to be one of the most difficult and least un . . .
Keywords:  FYC, grading, relative grading, absolute grading, grading and feedback, grading systems
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113  Writing and Grading Essay Questions
The Center for Teaching and Learning at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill publishes suggestions and reflections on various aspects of college and university level pedagogy. The September 1990 issue of "For Your Consideration..." (FYC) is dedicated to the craft of writing and grading es . . .
Keywords:  FYC, writing and grading essay questions, TAs, essays, tests, grades, grading, pedagogy, methodology
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114  Teaching Large Lecture Classes
The Center for Teaching and Learning at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill has compiled interviews with faculty and TAs concerning what they know and like about teaching undergraduates at UNC. This compilation forms what the Center refers to as the "teacher's desk reference." It is a w . . .
Keywords:  FYC, teaching techniques, large classes, large lectures, precept sections, TAs, course planning, exams, grading
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115  Writing To Learn
The Center for Teaching and Learning at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill supports the findings of the 1986 report by an Ad Hoc Committee to the UNC Faculty Council on the importance of writing as an active way to learn. The April 1989 issue of "For Your Consideration..." (FYC) include . . .
Keywords:  FYC, active learning, writing, writing to learn, writing center, writing exercises, learning, grading, journaling
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116  Classroom activities for active learning
The Center for Teaching and Learning at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill promotes a variety of tested pedagogical skill sets. Among these is "active learning." Evidence from research suggests that active involvement in the learning process is vitally important for the mastery of skill . . .
Keywords:  FYC, active learning, classroom activities, questioning techniques, small group activities, reading and writing exercises
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117  Evaluation and the Academy: Are We Doing the Right Thing? - Grade Inflation and Letters of Recommendation
This link leads to the article "Evaluation and the Academy: Are We Doing the Right Thing?" by Henry Rosovsky and Matthew Hartley, and other related articles. As reported by the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, there is clear evidence of grade and evaluation inflation at U.S. universities. The . . .
Keywords:  Grade Inflation, Evaluation Inflation, Teaching and Learning.
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118  Workshops That Work : 100 Ideas To Make Your Training Events More Effective
This book, by Tom Bourner, Vivien Martin and Phil Race, has an exciting collection of 100 tried and tested ideas that will improve and add variety to your workshops. The hundred items are presented in this book in a way that each could be read, and used on its own. Written with wit and wisdom, usefu . . .
Keywords:  Workshops.
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119  Delivering Instruction To Adult Learners
This book, by Jeffrey A. Cantor, assists the new instructor or the seasoned professional by providing an easy-to-use set of tools for understanding the attributes, skills, and knowledge required for effective instruction. It includes fundamental principles of and strategies for achieving clear commu . . .
Keywords:  Adult Learning, Teaching Principles, Instruction.
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120  How To Write And Use Instructional Objectives
This book, by Norman E. Gronlund, is a practical resource to writing and using objectives. This guide tells and shows how to state instructional objectives as intended learning outcomes, and how to use them in teaching and assessment.
Keywords:  Instructional Objectives, Teaching Principles, Learning Outcomes.
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121  Saint Mary's Liberated Learning Project
Article regarding Stanford University as the first American test site to join Saint Mary's Liberated Learning Project. The speech recognition technology that tears down barriers for students with disabilities will be tested by a group of Stanford's prominent professors. The efforts of the Liberated . . .
Keywords:  Assistive Technology, disabled, disabilities, speech recognition
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122  Preparing Faculty for Instructional Technology: From Education to Development to Creative Independence
Karen L. Smith -- Instructional technology can be imposed on existing courses, materials and approaches. Or faculty can learn to make appropriate choices in order to create new learning environments that apply research insights into memory functions, learning strategies, learner styles, personal int . . .
Keywords:  online teaching, instructional design
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123  Best Practices for Electronically Offered Degree and Certificate Programs
These best practices are meant to assist institutions in planning distance education activities and to provide a self-assessment framework for those already involved. The best practices are divided into five separate components, each of which addresses a particular area of institutional activity re . . .
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124  Evaluation for Distance Educators
* Distance Education at a Glance, Guide #4. Engineering Outreach, College of Engineering, University of Idaho.

"When teaching at a distance, educators must address a different teaching challenge than when teaching in a traditional classroom. ...distance educators may find it useful to not only f . . .

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125  Teacher education online: Trials, tribulations, and successes of course development
* by Patricia A. McGee, The University of Texas at San Antonio

This paper focuses on the actual course development of Computers in the Classroom, a course delivered through electronic means and without regular, face-to-face meetings. It describes the process of course development and the course d . . .

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126  Promoting Student Interaction in the Virtual College Classroom
by Jack A. Cummings

The auther describes his experiences using Allaire Forums, a Web-based electronic conferencing system, in two recent courses: a graduate seminar in cognitive assessment and intervention and an introductory educational psychology course for prospective teachers.

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127  Report to Congress on the Distance Education Demonstration Programs
The Distance Education Demonstration Program was authorized by Congress in the 1998 reauthorization of the Higher Education Act of 1965 (HEA) to test the quality and viability of distance education projects currently restricted under the HEA, to provide for increased student access to higher educati . . .
Keywords:  distance education e-learning national government tlt teaching and learning with technology
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128  Critical Issues in Evaluating the Effectiveness of Technology
by Mary McNabb, North Central Regional Educational Laboratory, Mark Hawkes, Dakota State University, Ullik Rouk, Policy Studies Associates.

A summary of The Secretary's Conference on Educational Technology: Evaluating the Effectiveness of Technology, July 12-13, 1999.

Keywords:  educational technology DOE department of education assessment effectiveness conference
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129  Teachers Who Learn, Kids Who Achieve
Author: Western Regional Educational Laboratory

A research study of eight schools that won the U.S. Department of Education?s National Award for Model Professional Development has been distilled into this brief and compelling story of successful school reform. Teacher voices and vignettes give l . . .

Keywords:  education teaching learning professional development assessment research
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130  Virtual Teaching in Higher Education: The New Intellectual Superhighway or Just Another Traffic Jam?
by Jerald G. Schutte, California State University, Northridge

A study of 33 students in a Social Statistics course at California StateUniversity, Northridge who were randomly divided into two groups, one taught in a traditional classroom and the other taught virtually on the World Wide Web. Text . . .

Keywords:  distance education research assessment evaluation measurement teaching methods
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131  Using Technology to Create a Safe, Humanistic Classroom
by Tom Marino, Ph.D., Professor of Anatomy and Cell Biology, Temple University

"At this time we can no longer operate and teach the way we used to. But what is not clear is how we are supposed to teach now. Faculty wars abound, and the friction that develops, as we move this herd of faculty and . . .

Keywords:  teaching learning instructional design assessment methods theories
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132  24 Measures of Quality in Internet-Based Distance Learning
"24 Measures of Quality in Internet-Based Distance Learning" is the result of a study conducted by Institute for Higher Education Policy sponsored by NEA and BlackBoard, Inc.
Keywords:  distance education evaluation assessment evaluation outcomes e-learning
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133  PowerPoint, No! Cyberspace, Yes
An article by Tom Creed discussing PowerPoint as a teaching tool.
Keywords:  PowerPoint teaching learning pedagogy software assessment
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134  Three Classroom Techniques that Promote Student Learning
An article by Tom Creed on teaching strategies.

Three Classroom Techniques that Promote Enhanced Student Learning:

  • Pre-class Writing Assignments
  • Cooperative Learning
  • Formative Feedback from Students (Classroom Assessment)

Keywords:  classroom teaching strategies cognitive motivation cooperative learning assessment formative
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135  MCQs and Bloom's Taxonomy
An introduction to Bloom's Taxonomy of learning. Bloom's Taxonomy attempts to divide cognitive objectives into subdivisions ranging from the simplest behaviour to the most complex.
  • Knowledge
  • Comprehension
  • Application
  • Analysis
  • Synthesis
  • Evaluation
This report co . . .
Keywords:  Bloom Bloom's taxonomy cognition assessment theory
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Software, Hardware, Services Search - 14 results

136  CTAP2
CTAP2 is a free on-line, self-assessment tool that allows educators to determine their level of technology proficiency - Introductory, Intermediate, or Proficient. The self-assessment is based upon rubrics established in each area of technology competency and aligned with the California Commission . . .
Keywords:  technology, tlt
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137  Mallard
MallardTM is a World Wide Web based interactive learning environment suitable for virtually any subject. Mallard provides a secure environment, within which one can organize online course material and test students via interactive quizzes with instantaneous problem correction and g . . .
Keywords:  course management system cms lms learning management system
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138  CUE Assessment System
CUE provides a versatile test engine capable of running assessments on PC and over the web for a variety of subjects. The system has provided tests for a number of projects and in a variety of situations, with questions ranging from Accountancy and Management to Biology and Physics. The web site inc . . .
Keywords:  assessment test
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139  The Castle Toolkit
The CASTLE Project was funded by JISC/JTA. The CASTLE toolkit has been developed so that Tutors and Course managers can create on-line interactive multiple choice questions (MCQs) quickly and easily without any prior knowledge of HTML, cgi, or similar . . .
Keywords:  test assessment software
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140  Web Based Assessment
This site describes and links to almost four dozen freeware, shareware, and commerical web-based assessment tools.
Keywords:  test assessment
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141  VirtualU
Virtual-U is produced by TeleLearning for online course delivery. It is easy to use and meticulously planned to scaffold knowledge building and collaboration. Virtual-U is being tested in many institutions across Canada and abroad, involving over 150 instructors. More than 230 courses from over 30 . . .
Keywords:  learning management system course management system cms lms virtualU
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142  Question Mark
Question Mark's assessment software motivates learning by enabling educators and trainers to write, administer and report on tests, quizzes, exams, and surveys using PCs, local area networks, the Internet, and intranets.
Keywords:  Question Mark learning management system course management system cms lms
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143  VCampus
VCampus Corp. (Reston, Va.) is an application service provider (ASP) that develops, manages and hosts turn-key, Web-based learning environments for corporations, academic institutions and government agencies. The company boasts that it can "deploy an e-learning solution in days, not weeks or months. . . .
Keywords:  vcampus learning management system course management system cms lms
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144  Serf
Serf is a Web-based distance education environment invented by Dr. Fred T. Hofstetter. It provides an environment for delivering courses anywhere in the world, using the World Wide Web as a distance education medium. Serf makes it possible to create and deliver courses in a self-paced multimedia le . . .
Keywords:  serf course management system cms lms learning management system courseware
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145  Hot Potatoes
The Hot Potatoes testing suite includes six applications, enabling you to create interactive multiple-choice, short-answer, jumbled-sentence, crossword, matching/ordering and gap-fill exercises for the World Wide Web.
Keywords:  online testing assessment survey software outcomes
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146  Course Management System Task Force, Final Report
Course Management System Task Force, Final Report, University of Buffalo This report includes the Task Force process for examining CMS products and the criteria checklist it developed. Faculty, student, university, support units, goals are listed. Seven external products and six internal ones were e . . .
Keywords:  lms cms solid course management system learning e-learning online
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147  New Tools help instructors create and maintain websites
New Tools help instructors create and maintain websites by Fred Beshears. A history of the process which UC Berkeley faculty have gone through in advancing from a few do-it-yourself web pages to using WebCT. Faculty found that generic authoring tools were not specifically designed for use in instruc . . .
Keywords:  lms cms solid e-learning course management system learning online
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148  Summary of The University of Georgia CMS Selection
Summary of The University of Georgia CMS Selection Contact Person for Additional Information: Greg Ashley ([email protected])

A list of 15 potential applications for the delivery of web-based instructional resources were identified by a committee of computer professionals at UGA. The list . . .

Keywords:  webct cms lms solid course management system learning e-learning online
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149  Course/Test Management and Delivery
Course/Test Management and Delivery: This site contains 135 overviews of products and their features, useful for educators because it includes commercial products, freeware, shareware, and research packages.
Keywords:  cms lms solid course management system learning e-learning online
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Workshop and Training Materials Search - 3 results

150  Technology Tools for Online Learning, Making the Virtual Classroom a Reality
This online course introduces faculty to tools available for online instruction. Economical, pedagogical, and technological issues surrounding the use of technology are discussed. Participants learn how to choose appropriate technologies based on sound pedagogical criteria. Course topics include the . . .
Keywords:  online learning, online training, distance education, e-learning, technology, threaded asynchronous communication, sequential asynchronous communication, course management systems, streaming media
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151  Milliken University - Teaching and Learning with Technology - TLT
The purpose of this web site is to provide for the dissemination of information about the uses of technology to enhance teaching and learning and to stimulate discussion on these issues within our learning community. Some areas covered: ACCESSIBILITY AND TECHNOLOGY, ASSESSMENT, CLASSROOM DESIGN, COP . . .
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152  WestEd
WestEd is committed to improving learning at all stages of life - from infancy to adulthood, both in school and out. Our work is far-reaching because our purpose is ambitious: success for every learner.
Keywords:  assessment learning education wested
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