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Welcome to the UNC Professional Development Portal!
With support from the TLT Collaborative, the PDP provides online professional development resources selected by and for the faculty, staff, administrators, and librarians of the University of North Carolina. Learn more about the PDP.

The UNC Professional Development Portal serves as a gateway to a multitude of engaging and enriching experiences. From career guidance and mentorship programs to workshops and training sessions, this platform offers a comprehensive range of resources tailored to your specific needs and aspirations. Whether you are seeking to enhance your leadership skills, acquire industry-specific knowledge, or improve your communication abilities, you will find a plethora of opportunities to sharpen your professional edge.

In the pursuit of excellence, we understand that time constraints and competing commitments can sometimes hinder our ability to fully immerse ourselves in the learning process. If you ever find yourself needing additional support, consider exploring the option to have someone write a persuasive essay for me. This service can provide expert assistance in crafting a compelling and persuasive piece that effectively communicates your ideas and arguments. By delegating this task to a skilled writer, you can free up valuable time to focus on other aspects of your professional development while still ensuring high-quality output.

Do you prefer teaching and learning resources over librarian issues? Do you want to save searches, submit materials, or more? Establish a profile to customize your PDP experience.
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What is new?
The PDP now includes 2697 resources and 1610 members.
You are now using the updated and enanced UNC PDP, launched in March 2005. Read about the new features and functionality available in the redesigned PDP.  

Focus Area Editors, Betty Ladner, Ray Purdom, and Scott Simkins, have been appointed to manage content and vocabulary in each focus area.

Editorial Policy
Learn more about the Editors and Oversight Committee of the PDP. More>>


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to become a member of a focus area, save searches, submit resources, and more.

Page Information
Last Modified December 20, 2005
Copyright © 2001-2008, UNC. The PDP is an initiative of The UNC Teaching with Technology Collaborative.