university of north carolina teaching and learning with technology collaborative
Tuesday July 23 
instructional technology retreat

r e s o u r c e s

evaluation form
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evaluation results
summaries of discussions
retreat agenda
attendee list
getting there
room registration
attendee selection process
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What are the key professional development issues for you?

    ->how to manage integration of technology into teaching and learning of my faculty

    training for faculty and ITs


    Training, rewards, incentives

    Training faculty to become more effective teachers Training faculty to become more receptive to and capable of integrating technology into their course instruction.

    Developing better teaching tool for use in online and web-enhanced classes.

    Informed opportunities for the campuses

    -More interaction with faculty who are not currently using technology. Not easy, but very important.

    -How to support + spread T+L w/ tech. development opportunities through 2000 faculty -Improve incentives + rewards for faculty + staff.

    Pedagogical design, effective managment of scarce resources


    Faculty assessment

    Learning the language of technology

    Producing the infrastructure to support faculty training and development efforts.

    Alliances w/ others in my field

    A)Pedagogy - infusion of pedagogy into TLT design + implementation. B)Expectation management - need to realistically appraise value and possibility in TLT

    Instructional Design Project Management Distance Education Implementation/Practice

    course mgmt systems

    GA support for faculy in summer or reassigned time to develop distance-learning courses.

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