All Retreat Participants.
I would like to thank you personally and sincerely for participating in the Instructional Technology Retreat. Your evaluations as well as informal feedback suggest that it was a great success - 92% of respondents indicated that their overall satsifaction rating was excellent or very good. As you know there was a great deal of discussion and suggestions generated and all of this material has been organized under the four subject areas (Course Management, Assistive Technology, Professional Development, Learning Assessment) and is now available on the re-worked Web site at:
The site includes a summary of your evaluations, as well as the evaluation form itself for those who did not yet complete an evaluation - we would like to hear from you! In addition if you have additional information that you would like to provide us with, the Information Capture form is also avaliable on the Web site, and will become a permanent feature of the TLT Collaborative site.
Based on your dialog and participation we are currently reviewing our program priorities and strategies for the coming year. The Web site is undergoing significant improvement and the new site will be announced shortly.
So thank you once again for joining us for this event! If the UNC TLT Collaborative is to be a success, it will only be because it has become an effective tool and service for you and I hope that the TLT Collaborative will become an increasingly significant component of your work and professional life. Please let others know what we are all trying to accomplish, and please always feel very free to get in touch with thoughts, ideas and suggestions!