Broyhill Center, Appalachian State University, Boone, North Carolina
May 30 - June 1, 2000
Attendee selection is coordinated through the TLT Board member on each campus. There are limited seats so the following process is being followed to identify attendees:
1. Teaching & Learning Director or equivalent, or a substitute from each UNC campus.
2. TLT director or equivalent if this is a separate organization (it is on some UNC campuses).
3. The UNC Teacher Education Technology Council (TETC) member or a substitute from each campus (these are the "Spangler people," non-tenured faculty providing instructional technology support for the Schools of Education). Note that Alisa Chapman, Director of Instructional Technology for the University School Programs will be the point of contact for these individuals.
4. Members of the UNC TLT Collaborative staff and interested Board members who are not identified in 1-2.
5. From one to four additional people from each campus who are in professional Instructional Technology roles. Examples are instructional technology staff (usually non-tenured EPA or SPA) working in Teaching & Learning centers, University libraries, colleges, or other Centers or Programs, who are directly engaged in support of TLT activities.
Given the limited number of spaces, the Collaborative respectfully requests that the Collaborative Board members discuss this opportunity with appropriate campus leaders and organizations, and identify a list of individuals who fit the criteria above.
Submission process:
Each Board should submit names and e-mail addresses of the individuals indicated in categories 12 and 4, as well as from 1 to 4 additional individuals who fit category 5. Alisa Chapman in the UNC Schools Programs will handle the TECT members (category 3).
Please consider the relative size/complexity of your campus in deciding how many names to submit. We will do our best to accommodate all, but have a limit of 85 total attendees. If we receive more requests than we can handle, then we will contact you with a request to reduce these numbers.
* Note that presenters of TLT projects will be invited (and counted) separately.
Deadline for Submission of Attendees: May 12, 2000