r e s o u r c e s
Technical Issues
- Implementation of PDA's in a wireless environment
- Lack of IT Resources at smaller schools. Huge disparity between large schools and smaller schools: equipment, training opportunities (non-campus backbone resources).
- Will Bond monies assist #2?
- Bandwidth issues for multimedia applications (huge files/size).
- Payment for internet access is a concern.
- Cisco E-Learning system -- how will it work and what does it mean? -- free isn't always good.
- Overcoming a course Management divide between WebCT and Blackboard and other related products (6 products among 16 institutions).
- Cost savings between institutions if GA were to mandate one common platform for course management software (like SLT Software Alliance). Failure to do so will diminish opportunities for collaboration between campuses and waste of resources.
- Lobbying leverage to fix bugs -- resolve design issues with software -- possible price break -- ensured interoperability.
- Shared professional staff between institutions.
- Production testing of course development/management software, interoperability issues, pipeline compatiability issues -- need to have NCSU and UNC-CH use resources/expertise to do this testing
- Orientation of TLT operations on each campus -- reports, funding, etc. -- needs to be integrated and coordinated with efforts thru computer centers -- attempt to eliminate areas of overlap. TLT should focus on pedagogical areas predominately -- faculty crossover.
- Expect a lot of crossover. No one's roles are defined -- need to define roles and attempt to eliminate resource inefficiencies and unnecessary overlap.
- Need to clarify roles of IT Departments on campuses (12-13-14) each campus is doing its own thing -- Does this meet the intent of the TLT mission? Clear mandates from GA concerning integration of technology -- review, promotion and tenure policies and procedures concerning technology. Clearly codified standards.
- Adequate resources exist on each campus to facilitate training and support -- if you overcome turf issues and access issues between users -- centralization of services and resources would go a long way to felp resolve these issues.
- HC is a national and international technology leader -- how do you incorporate these technologies and development throughout the entire system and get it out of the RTP area.
- Leadership has to be better informed and briefed on a routine basis concerning technology related issues -- failure to have informed leaders results in standard resources, MIS-Management and potential loss of students?? Are leaders frightened by the lack of control technology issues represents??
- CIO's -- Central Technology Coovervance
- Support issues and concerns for multiple versions of software and systems -- not enough people to do all the necessary IT tasks now.
- PIPELINE -- Issues; interoperability concerns -- how's it all going to work?
- Issue with development of of push video technologies to the institutions -- how to handle it, issues, etc.
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