university of north carolina teaching and learning with technology collaborative
Monday May 26 
instructional technology retreat

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Assessment of Learning Effectiveness Sessions Part II

1. There are different types of learning and styles that should be considered for different levels of assessment

2. Defining assessment and its relation to evaluation

3. Student assessment vs. Teacher assessment

    - The two cannot be separated as two components

4. Teaching styles vs. Learning styles

5. What kind of questions can be asked to assess these concerns in the classroom?

6. Computers can do the lower levels of assessment (Bloom's Taxonomy)

7. Cuebs is an example that deals with the higher levels of assessment (biology is the subject of the example)

8. Using Bloom's Taxonomy as a stepping stone to assessing teaching effectiveness

9. Provide an online tool that assesses teacher skills and styles as well as for students

10.Having tools available to assist teachers with adapting their teaching styles to be effective with different student learning styles

11.Provide an inventory of student learning styles and teacher styles available

12.Campus administrators, learning centers, IT, etc. should form a base of communication with TLT

13.Online surveys or other surveys about teacher's teaching style does not generate successful responses

14.Provide incentives to get better surveys, support, interest, etc.

15.How much time should be spent on student assessment with technology?

16.Alternative forms of assessment besides the testing format

17.Developing assessment tools that provide projects and products

18.Extend assessment training and constructional design to future teachers as well as present teachers

19.Recognizing the need for multiple student assessments

20.Cuebs should generate multiple choice questions with a database that separates questions by subject

21.Have Bloom's Taxonomy available for faculty to view online

22.Provide an application of the assessment questions that convert them into the various course management systems

23.Identify one or two people within various curriculums to investigate databanks on assessment questions

24.Items of the assessment should reflect student learning and demonstration of learning

25.Issues with technology not relieving but making work harder for teachers

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