university of north carolina teaching and learning with technology collaborative
Monday May 26 
instructional technology retreat

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Assessment of Learning Effectiveness Sessions

1.What is assessment?

2.Identifying assessment vs. evaluation

- evaluation puts the emphasis on the final judgement
- assessment looks at the process and the outcome

3. In teacher's education that assessment and evaluation are used interchangeable

4. Assessing the student learning with teacher learning

5. Issues with a variety of learning strategies for all students

6. Teacher quality along with student success

7. Teacher awareness of their strengths and weaknesses as well as students

8. Technology is needed to help teachers and students to implement teacher effectiveness and student learning

9. Capitalize on the strengths of teaching styles

10.Centers for teaching and learning provided for faculty (UNC TLT Collaborative supported)

11.Collaborative provide a literature review of available resources for faculty to assess different cognitive teaching styles

12.Scientific inventory on teaching, learning styles, and cognitive styles (would like the Collaborative to research)

13.Identify this research and make available within the university system

14.Having self-analyses available for faculty to help with enhancing their teaching styles

15.Do most teachers know how to assess their students' knowledge?

16.Instructional environment vs. student learning should they be addressed together?

17.Student assessment facilities like tutorial centers, etc. issues (time consuming, understaffing, etc.)

18.Provide a dual library for testing (i.e. online testing)

19.Providing modules of test banks or structures and formats of testing

20.UNC-CH have a testing assessments for online courses, eCollege has a testing assessment, also Flashlight

21.Student online portfolios for assessment of learning

22.Beginning and ending student portfolio issues

23.Having an authentic assessment of learning

24.Using technology to handle the fundamentals of assessment

25.Identifying the different levels of learning for classroom goals using a technological instrument

26.Collaborative should facilitate modules or tools for assessment

27.Research tools that allows institutions to see a pre-assessment of technological skills of students

28.Issues with coercing technology on institutions too fast and too soon

29.Collaborative should provide a stable baseline of technological advancements (i.e. a pacing guide or a buffer)

30.The collaborative should be a filter between the advance technological users and general users and finding what works to accommodate both

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