university of north carolina teaching and learning with technology collaborative
Sunday September 8 
instructional technology retreat

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Professional Development

Retreat Questions/Needs/Information Capture Form Results

Online Resources, Best Practices

  • Example of good "Teaching with Technology" pedagogy, equipment
  • Provide resources online
  • Nancy Franklin -- Indiana University (Workshop on training online)

Tools and Technologies

  • Web products
  • Collaborate on discipline related content; develop system wide causes

Professional Staff (name, e-mail, phone)

  • Product vendors
  • Ratio of trainers to faculty
  • Field specific trainers
  • Graphic designers
  • Needs assessment piece so that faculty identify what those needs are and have input in the process

Programs and Initiatives (UNC or other state systems)

  • How to train the masses-collaboration between IT and TLT Centers to organize retreats to give basic level training one-on-one in computer labs during breaks ans "down" time--recruit experienced folks to train others
  • University administrators need training in online tools in order to be supportive of faculty doing online teaching
  • Forum discussion of Intellectual Properties, UNC policies, campus discussion on assistive technologies work
  • Faculty centered process that is ongoing and sustained
  • Clear reward policy
  • Clear standards
  • Project management training
  • Faculty incentives -- CTLT - endorsement from GA
  • Symposia with disciplinary and interdisciplinary breakout sessions

National organizations, conferences, initiatives, etc.

  • EDUcom
  • DL Conference - Wisconsin
  • Association of Educational Communications Technology (AECT)
  • Educause
  • American Evaluation Association (AEA)
  • American Association of Computing in Education (AACE)
  • American Educational Research Association (AREA)


  • TLT Collaborative should provide "edict" to campuses, perhaps funding and organizing expert teams to travel from campus to campus to provide training to Deans, Dept Heads, and Administrators so everyone has a greater appreciation of challenges and opportunities in online course development.
  • Need clearing house for opportunities, funding, research, grants, training
  • Training and support - including infrastructure to back the efforts of technical development (ie. smart classrooms -- TLT can be Advocate for $, policies, rewards, etc.
  • Compile resources - portal w/modules and websites
  • Guidelines for evaluation
  • Working w/teaching assistants and other students, support personnel
  • Release time, conferences, faculty return, listserves - collaborative connections
  • Instructional design/development/methodologies workshops - system wide effort
  • IT and Faculty workshops on basic tenets of course development software and how to use (effectively) tools inside of these software products such as instructional tools. (When and how to use email, whiteboards, chat, bulletin boards, etc.)
  • Clear idea of how the technology will be beneficial to faculty - needs to come from campuses not GA
  • Address technical skills not teaching skills
  • Tech specialists should be employed 33% of the time in training for emerging technologies, in order to be able to and then train faculty in these new technologies.
  • Faculty training in conversion from classroom instruction to online instruction

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