university of north carolina teaching and learning with technology collaborative
Thursday July 11 
instructional technology retreat

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Course management systems/Content Development

Ecsu - blackboard

Fsu - blackboard

Nca&t - blackboard, eCollege

Uncp - blackboard

Shared center for evaluation of course mgmt Software/systems

Shared helpdesk (generates FAQ available to students, faculty)

*Reliability of "server" is critical for course mgmt system selection

difficulty creating central services with multiple systems in place

were schools are already collaborating, central services could be utilized

should the system adopt a single solution?

12 SCT, 4 others -> webct?

What should be centralized and what shouldn't

Library of modules that are available for all systems accessible by all

Copyright clearinghouse at central level

Incorporating library resources, negotiating collaborative licenses

Policy issues for centralization

Transportability of existing course material

37 course mgmt systems last week

eCollege has support staff in place to assist faculty

(instructional and information technology)

collaborative might create mentoring program (best practices show and tell), tangible examples

discipline specific?

Collaborative sponsors online courses on how to use the systems

Put someone between faculty and staff at course mgmt companies

Registry of content available to all faculty (Cicso's RIOS/RLOS)

Availability of publisher resources

"Reusable Assets"

are there standing GA/state policies that prevent collaboration

Ownership of intellectual property

Faculty incentives/impediments

Smaller campuses don't have equal access to support staff/technology/bandwidth

Classification system for course types (lab courses on web?)

How do teaching habits change as a result of technology

Facilitation of expert collaboration

Legal issues involved with course mgmt systems

Present this issue to the President, "smart classroom"

Utilization of broadband internet access (gigabit+), hdtv

Corporate competition

Caching servers spread across the state

Collective voice, pull of collaborative vs. individual campuses

Changing role of faculty, need for faculty development

Validation of online course content, models, minimum reqs.

Copyright issues

Evaluation/Research methods

Consulting across the campuses similar to Eduprise

ITAP @ NC State

Template courses

Proactive sharing to the community colleges, ncces

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