university of north carolina teaching and learning with technology collaborative
Tuesday July 23 
instructional technology retreat

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Misc. Information Capture Forms

Summer Activities

Online Resources, Best Practices Tools and Techniques
Professional Staff (name, e-mail, phone) Programs and Initiatives (UNC or other state systems)
National organizations, conferences, initiatives, etc. Other
NCSU College of Agriculture and Life Sciences:
  1. WebCT & Instructional Design Workshop for faculty May 31, June 1-2
  2. Effective Teaching Workshop including effective teaching with technology May 24-26


Online Resources, Best Practices Tools and Techniques
Professional Staff (name, e-mail, phone) Programs and Initiatives (UNC or other state systems)
National organizations, conferences, initiatives, etc. Other

NSF funded Virtual Geography Dept. for 3 years at the University of Texas. Key point was development of method for peer review of instructional models -- the url is through the Univ. of Texas, Geography Dept. -- Virtual Geography -- may also be accessed through AAG (Association of America Geographers) Web Specialty Group.


Assessment of Learning Effectiveness

Online Resources, Best Practices Tools and Techniques
  1. Develop Rubricks to detail what you want students to master. Let students know what's expected of them.
  2. Transform one into a generic model above.
Professional Staff (name, e-mail, phone) Programs and Initiatives (UNC or other state systems)
National organizations, conferences, initiatives, etc. Other
  The TLT could:
  1. Provide resouces for instructional design which focuses upon assessment e.g. a site with rich assessment resources.
  2. Have Students submit an electronic portfolio/paper which could be sent to other students for evaluation.
  3. Suggestions of other ways to assess:
    1. Prescriptive assessment (test out of sections that mastery is demonstrated).
    2. Tailored remediation session
  4. Use of software with assessment modules: "i.e. Designer's Edge"

Assessment of Learning Effectiveness

Point of View: Assessing the Learning Effectiveness of Teachers/Faculty who are learning to teach with new technologies

  • Why is there a difference in assessing classroom teaching and online teaching and why is the standard different?
  • What do we mean by teaching with technology?
    1. Computer literate
    2. Capability to use tools to teach
  • What is the scope of using technology in the classroom?
    • Web based course or using email and/or forums and/or other modules
  • What is effectiveness in the classrooms?
  • What preparation is available to faculty to assist them in assessing learning effectiveness?

Collaborative can help by developing agreed upon definitions and criteria:

  1. Clearly developed continuum of skills exhibited by teachers teaching with technology
  2. Computer literacy (use of computer)
  3. Use of tools to teach
  4. What effective teaching is andragogy (adult learning)
  5. prepared faculty

How we can share

Online Resources, Best Practices Tools and Techniques
Professional Staff (name, e-mail, phone) Programs and Initiatives (UNC or other state systems)
National organizations, conferences, initiatives, etc. Other
  • Development of standards for course/module development
  • Development of technology training standards
  • Interoperability between course management products
  • Standards should be both package specific and non-specific

Course Management

Online Resources, Best Practices Tools and Techniques

Blackboard Course Info

CIT's Main Page

Support Docs

Frontpage for CInfo

Professional Staff (name, e-mail, phone) Programs and Initiatives (UNC or other state systems)
National organizations, conferences, initiatives, etc. Other

Course Management Systems & How to Share

Online Resources, Best Practices Tools and Techniques


Campus Pipeline

Professional Staff (name, e-mail, phone) Programs and Initiatives (UNC or other state systems)

    Campus Pipeline
    Traci Haskett

    Beth Leftwich
National organizations, conferences, initiatives, etc. Other
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