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Teaching and Learning


UNC,General Administration / Office of the President,East Carolina University,Appalachian State University,Fayetteville State University,North Carolina A&T State University,North Carolina Central University,North Carolina School of the Arts,North Carolina State University,UNC Asheville,UNC Chapel Hill,UNC Charlotte,Elizabeth City State University,UNC Greensboro,UNC Pembroke,UNC Wilmington,Western Carolina University,Winston Salem State University

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Centers, Organizations, Interest Groups

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Centers, Organizations, Interest Groups Search - 95 results    Next 10

Shaping the Information & Communication Technology Infrastructure at NC State
Slides from the Information Technology Division Open Forum sponsored by the Teaching Learning and Technology Roundtable at NC State and held January 31, 2002 provide a look at various IT topics, as they exist at the moment. Support for student IT fluency, wireless technologies, security challenges, disaster recovery, and the evolving role of IT and ITD were addressed by various IT staff. Sam Averitt, Vice Provost for Information Technology, discussed the implications of rapid technology change and the guiding principles for ITD in supporting NC State's efforts to become "the nation's leading land-grant institution." Sarah Stein, chair of TLTR, moderated the session and the Q&A that followed each presentation.
Keywords:  Information Technology, Teaching with Technology.
Focus Area: Teaching and Learning
Scope: Global , North Carolina State University
Resource Type: Centers, Organizations, Interest Groups
Entry Date: May 7, 2002

Multimedia Users Group for Teaching and Learning
Coordinated by the Learning Technology Service at NC State University, the Multimedia Users Group is a good source of information on Multimedia Tools and their use in Teaching and Learning. The monthly sessions are provided for NC State faculty and graduate students attempting to integrate multimedia technologies with online teaching. Streaming media technologies and newly emerging approaches for multimedia databases have been the focus of initial sessions. Website provides links to the subjects of previous sessions. Contact person: "Theresa-Marie Rhyne"
Keywords:  Teaching with Technology, Multimedia.
Focus Area: Teaching and Learning
Scope: Global , North Carolina State University
Resource Type: Centers, Organizations, Interest Groups
Entry Date: May 7, 2002

Center for Learning Technologies
The Center for Learning Technologies (CLT) facilitates faculty, staff, and student use of electronic media, tools, and resources. Its objective is not only to help keep the college aware of the technology available for enhancing learning, research, and professional practice, but also to provide an environment for experimentation with technology for instruction
Keywords:  education technology
Focus Area: Teaching and Learning
Scope: North Carolina , North Carolina State University
Resource Type: Centers, Organizations, Interest Groups
Entry Date: September 13, 2001

UNCCH Technology in Context Services
Technology in Context is a support consortium comprised of faculty and staff from many organizations at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. The consortium, advised by the Faculty Information Technology Advisory Committee, is coordinating efforts to support faculty, staff and teaching assistants who are using or want to use information technologies in their teaching and research.
Keywords:  technology teaching online learning e-learning unc schools uncch University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Focus Area: Teaching and Learning
Scope: UNC , UNC Chapel Hill
Resource Type: Centers, Organizations, Interest Groups
Entry Date: May 14, 2001

UNCCH Faculty Information Technology Advisory Committee
The Faculty Information Technology Advisory Committee (FITAC) is a standing committee of the Faculty Council. Its charge is to consider issues pertaining to the use of technology in teaching and other professional activities at UNC-CH. The Committee also advises the service organizations that comprise the Technology in Context Consortium.
Keywords:  teaching UNC schools UNCCH University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill FITAC
Focus Area: Teaching and Learning
Scope: North Carolina , UNC Chapel Hill
Resource Type: Centers, Organizations, Interest Groups
Entry Date: May 14, 2001

UNCG Distance Learning and Professional Development Courses
UNCG Division of Continual Learning.

UNCG has been participating in a UNC system-wide program called Independent Study by Extension for several years. Sometimes referred to as correspondence study, the program offers numerous courses in a wide range of disciplines. UNCG also administers a number of professional development, non-credit courses that are offered outside the regular University schedule to the Piedmont Triad and N.C. communities. With the emergence of electronic technologies, UNCG now has the ability to offer selected courses to students in a distance-learning format.

Keywords:  distance learning professional development continual UNCG university of north carolina at greensboro
Focus Area: Teaching and Learning
Scope: UNC , UNC Greensboro
Resource Type: Centers, Organizations, Interest Groups
Entry Date: May 5, 2001

UNCG TLC Video Collection
Policies and procedures for use of the instructional and browsing video colelctions. Search the collection by title, series, subject, or description.
Keywords:  university north carolina greensboro tlc video instruction support
Focus Area: Teaching and Learning
Scope: UNC Greensboro
Resource Type: Centers, Organizations, Interest Groups
Entry Date: May 5, 2001

UNCG Teaching, Learning and Technology Roundtable
Information about the roundtable and their activities at UNCG.
Keywords:  university north carolina greensboro tlt ltc teaching learning technology roundtable
Focus Area: Teaching and Learning
Scope: UNC Greensboro
Resource Type: Centers, Organizations, Interest Groups
Entry Date: May 5, 2001

UNCG TLC K-12 Materials Collection
Provides materials to support the teacher education programs of UNCG. These materials include K-12 tradebooks, textbooks (current adoption plus one previous adoption), curriculum guides (state, local, and regional) material emphasizing practical teaching aids, selection tools including bibliographic materials, samples of standardized tests, SDPI publications, samples of children's periodicals, and commercial catalogs.
Keywords:  university north carolina greensboro teaching materials k-12 tlc cmc teacher education
Focus Area: Teaching and Learning
Scope: UNC Greensboro
Resource Type: Centers, Organizations, Interest Groups
Entry Date: May 5, 2001

UNCG Instructional Development Services
Instructional Developent services include assisting faculty members in enhancing teaching skills, improving courses, and resolving instructional problems. The staff plans and coordinates workshops related to classroom instruction, evaluation, management, and student learning. The Center maintains a calendar of faculty and instructional development events. The TLC coordinates programming related to course and instructional enhancement.
Keywords:  university of north carolina at greensboro UNCG instructional development services support faculty development
Focus Area: Teaching and Learning
Scope: North Carolina , UNC , UNC Greensboro
Resource Type: Centers, Organizations, Interest Groups
Entry Date: May 5, 2001

Centers, Organizations, Interest Groups Search - 95 results
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