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Teaching and Learning


Global,USA,North Carolina,UNC,General Administration / Office of the President,East Carolina University,Appalachian State University,Fayetteville State University,North Carolina A&T State University,North Carolina Central University,North Carolina School of the Arts,North Carolina State University,UNC Asheville,UNC Chapel Hill,UNC Charlotte,Elizabeth City State University,UNC Greensboro,UNC Pembroke,UNC Wilmington,Western Carolina University,Winston Salem State University

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Grants and Funding Sources

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Grants and Funding Sources Search - 62 results    Next 10

Mini grants
Each year the Center for Teaching and Learning awards mini-grants of up to $750 to UNC-CH faculty to promote instructional improvement at the university. In the past, proposals have been accepted in the following categories: (a) professional development in teaching, (b) course enhancement (c) curriculum development or revision (d) departmental GTA training, and (e) multi-section courses taught by GTAs. Application guidelines should be consulted prior to submitting proposals. Contact the Mini-Grant Program coordinator, Iola Peed-Neal, at 966-1289 or [email protected].
Keywords:  grants, course development, professional, curriculum, GTA training, GTAs
Focus Area: Teaching and Learning
Scope: UNC Chapel Hill
Resource Type: Grants and Funding Sources
Entry Date: March 5, 2002

POD Network Grants Program - 2001-2002
The Purpose of the Grant Program is to provide funding to members of POD attempting to contribute new knowledge or tools to the field of instructional, faculty and organizational development. For this year, individuals or groups can apply for funding up to $2,000 in support of projects that will result in knowledge that will benefit the profession of faculty development.
Keywords:  teaching and learning reserach
Focus Area: Teaching and Learning
Scope: Global
Resource Type: Grants and Funding Sources
Entry Date: December 11, 2001

Pitsco Innovative Education
This site provides an extensive list of links to funding sources. The links include public and private sector sources--foundations, endowments, councils and government.
Keywords:  grants, funding
Focus Area: Teaching and Learning
Scope: USA
Resource Type: Grants and Funding Sources
Entry Date: August 17, 2001

Polaris Grants Central
Polaris offers services and resources for grant seekers: instruction and training in grants acquisition, how-to books and publications, technical assistance and support, and on-line advice. The website provides free basic information (directories, lists, tips, resources and articles).
Keywords:  directories, lists, tips, resources, articles
Focus Area: Teaching and Learning
Scope: USA
Resource Type: Grants and Funding Sources
Entry Date: August 17, 2001

Electronic Reference--Grants and Other Funding Sources
This page includes links to directories of available funding as well as databases of awards made by various grant-making institutions. Included are agencies, foundations and organizations as well as selected U.S. government sites.
Keywords:  grants, funding
Focus Area: Teaching and Learning
Scope: USA
Resource Type: Grants and Funding Sources
Entry Date: August 17, 2001

Excellence, Enterprise, and Equity: Competing Challenges for Higher Education
Society for Research into Higher Education
Keywords:  higher education; research
Focus Area: Teaching and Learning
Scope: USA
Resource Type: Grants and Funding Sources
Entry Date: August 9, 2001

NEC Foundation of America Announces Grants
The NEC Foundation of America recently announced eight separate grants totaling $300,000 to not-for-profit organizations focusing their services on education technology applications and/or emerging technologies for people with disabilities. Organizations receiving support from this recent round of grants include Boston University and The Center for Excellence in Education. KW: Assistive Technology, disabled, physically challenged, access
Focus Area: Teaching and Learning
Scope: USA
Resource Type: Grants and Funding Sources
Entry Date: July 18, 2001

U.S. Department of Education (Discretionary Grant Application Packages)
At this site you can find information about grants such as "Disability and Rehabilitation Research Projects and Centers Program" or " Research and Innovation To Improve Services and Results for Children With Disabilities Program" which can be applied for and are available through the U.S. Department of Education. KW: Assistive Technology, Conferences, ADA, American Disabilities Act, access, disabilities, disability, disabled, physically challenged, grant opportunity
Focus Area: Teaching and Learning
Scope: USA
Resource Type: Grants and Funding Sources
Entry Date: June 27, 2001

Grants for Community Technology Centers
The purpose of the Community Technology Centers program is to promote the development of model programs that demonstrate the educational effectiveness of technology in urban and rural areas and economically distressed communities. These Community Technology Centers would provide access to information technology and related learning services to children and adults.
Focus Area: Teaching and Learning
Scope: USA
Resource Type: Grants and Funding Sources
Entry Date: June 21, 2001

The Foundation Center
Free, online searchable index of foundations and their grants.
Focus Area: Teaching and Learning
Scope: Global
Resource Type: Grants and Funding Sources
Entry Date: June 18, 2001

Grants and Funding Sources Search - 62 results
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