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Teaching and Learning


Global,USA,North Carolina,UNC,General Administration / Office of the President,East Carolina University,Appalachian State University,Fayetteville State University,North Carolina A&T State University,North Carolina Central University,North Carolina School of the Arts,North Carolina State University,UNC Asheville,UNC Chapel Hill,UNC Charlotte,Elizabeth City State University,UNC Greensboro,UNC Pembroke,UNC Wilmington,Western Carolina University,Winston Salem State University

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Conferences, Meetings and Events

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Conferences, Meetings and Events Search - 29 results    Next 10

14th International Conference on College Teaching and Learning,
The conference continues the previous emphasis on innovative teaching, learning, and technology through both featured speakers and paper presentations. It once again includes poster sessions and an international, live videoconference and vendor displays.
Keywords:  Instructional Technology
Event Date(s): April 1, 2003 to April 5, 2003
Focus Area: Teaching and Learning
Scope: Global
Resource Type: Conferences, Meetings and Events
Entry Date: June 17, 2002

15th Annual International Teachers Teaching with Technology Conference
Nashville, Tennessee. A conference for all Kindergarten-University educators interested in using educational technology to enhance the teaching and learning of mathematics and science.
Keywords:  conference event teaching k-12 mathematics science calculator CBL
Event Date(s): March 7, 2003 to March 9, 2003
Focus Area: Teaching and Learning
Scope: Global
Resource Type: Conferences, Meetings and Events
Entry Date: May 25, 2001

19th Annual Faculty Development Summer Institute
Active Learning & Teaching in University & College, Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island , CANADA In 2002, the UPEI Faculty Development Summer Institute on Active Learning and Teaching is being presented for the 19th consecutive year. It is the only one of its kind in Canada and has been in existence as long as any similar institute in North America. The overall goal of the Institute is to improve teaching and learning by enhancing the knowledge and skills of professors.
Keywords:  Teaching and Learning
Event Date(s): July 29, 2002 to August 2, 2002
Focus Area: Teaching and Learning
Scope: Global
Resource Type: Conferences, Meetings and Events
Entry Date: December 7, 2001

2002 Computers on Campus National Conference
The 2002 Computers on Campus National Conference provides a national forum for: 1) showcasing computer-based insructional models, 2) discussing successful experiences in computer networking, 3) making effective use of computer support in academic assessment and 4) using technology to enhance total student development.
Keywords:  computer-based instruction, assessment, student development
Event Date(s): November 10, 2002 to November 13, 2002
Focus Area: Teaching and Learning
Scope: Global
Resource Type: Conferences, Meetings and Events
Entry Date: May 27, 2002

3rd Annual Conference in Case Study Teaching in Science
The aim of our annual fall conference is to bring together people who are interested in teaching science using case studies. It is designed for experienced case study teachers who want to sharpen their case writing and teaching skills as well as newcomers to the method.
Keywords:  Case Teaching
Event Date(s): October 4, 2002 to October 5, 2002
Focus Area: Teaching and Learning
Scope: Global
Resource Type: Conferences, Meetings and Events
Entry Date: April 18, 2002

3rd International Conference on Technology in Teaching and Learning in Higher Education
The focus of this international conference is to address the various issues surrounding the uses and possibilities of technology in teaching and learning. Following previously succesfull conferences in 2000 (funded by the Spencer Foundation) and 2001, this forum will bring together faculty, students, staff, administrators and other interested parties involved with the organization and delivery of distance education and technology issues.
Keywords:  instructional technology
Event Date(s): July 14, 2003 to July 16, 2003
Focus Area: Teaching and Learning
Scope: Global
Resource Type: Conferences, Meetings and Events
Entry Date: June 17, 2002

9th National HBCU Faculty Development Symposium
"Building Bridges: Faculty-Students-Administrators-Communities"
Keywords:  faculty development
Event Date(s): October 17, 2002 to October 20, 2002
Focus Area: Teaching and Learning
Scope: Global
Resource Type: Conferences, Meetings and Events
Entry Date: January 16, 2002

Diversity and Learning
Diversity and Learning is a valuable meeting for faculty, administrators, students, and others interested in improving pedagogy, enhancing the curriculum, enriching the campus climate, leading systemic institutional change, promoting intergroup dialogues, and engaging communities.
Keywords:  Diversity
Event Date(s): October 24, 2002 to October 27, 2002
Focus Area: Teaching and Learning
Scope: Global
Resource Type: Conferences, Meetings and Events
Entry Date: May 24, 2002

Diversity and Learning: Education for a World Lived in Common
Higher education faces a challenge preparing students for an increasingly interdependent world--a world marked by permeable borders and persistent inequalities; a world of shifting boundaries between local and global, domestic, and international; a fractured world in profound need of socially responsible and more fully engaged citizens. For more than a decade AAC&U has helped campuses tap diversity as an educational and societal resource. This conference builds upon that by addressing: 1) cognitive and democracy outcomes of diversity initiatives ,2) connections between U.S. and global diversity ,3) religious pluralism at home and abroad ,4) migration, hybridity, and identity ,5) assessment of diversity courses, programs, and services ,6) culturally informed democratic practices and pedagogies ,7) enhancement of diversity work through technology ,8) holist
Keywords:  diversity
Event Date(s): October 24, 2002 to October 27, 2002
Focus Area: Teaching and Learning
Scope: Global
Resource Type: Conferences, Meetings and Events
Entry Date: December 11, 2001

Education Technology 2002
The Education Technology 2002 conference will continue the Society's practice of bringing professionals from the education, industry, and government communities together to present information on their accomplishments in the areas of technology-based learning systems, management systems, research, and applications. The conference will focus on new technologies as well as existing applications which have been successfully utilized for some years. As has been the case at SALT?-sponsored conferences over the past 25 years, the attendees will participate in a meeting format which encourages an atmosphere of collegial interchanges.
Keywords:  technology-based learning systems
Event Date(s): July 24, 2002 to July 26, 2002
Focus Area: Teaching and Learning
Scope: Global
Resource Type: Conferences, Meetings and Events
Entry Date: April 22, 2002

Conferences, Meetings and Events Search - 29 results
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