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TLT Collaborative: Ongoing Projects and Initiatives

TLT Roundtables and Flashlight Initiatives

The UNC TLT Collaborative negotiated system-wide cost savings and allocated funds for two year licenses (July 2000 thru June 2002) for UNC campuses requesting any combination of:

TLT Group Flashlight Online Services
TLT Group Flashlight Network Services
TLT Group TLT Roundtable Services

The national non-profit TLT Group is the teaching, learning, and technology affiliate of the American Association for Higher Education. The TLT Group's services are a national effort to help institutions and individuals improve teaching and learning with the use of technology through national institutes, regional events, online workshops, and customized consultations. These services are current focused around the Flashlight Program and Teaching, Learning, and Technology Roundtables (TLTRs):

The Flashlight Program helps institutions study and improve educational uses of technology while gaining control over the time, effort, and money these applications require. Findings can be used to validate good practice, spot problems, and improve teaching and learning with technology. The non-profit Flashlight Program offers a number of types of assistance including Flashlight Online Services and Flashlight Network Services.

Teaching, Learning, and Technology Roundtables (TLTR) are campus discussion structures that are supported by the TLT Group to assist faculty, staff, students and administrators to work effectively together to improve teaching and learning with information technology. Through regular focused meetings, a TLTR can help institutions make better-informed decisions, sustain collaborative change, and develop better strategies for using technology to improve teaching and learning.


Related Materials

Campus Use of TLT Group Services

Details of License with TLT Group

Reports, FY2000-2001 (available soon)

Summary Report

Appalachian State University
East Carolina University
Elizabeth City State University
Fayetteville State University
North Carolina A&T University
North Carolina Central University
North Carolina School of the Arts
North Carolina State University
UNC Asheville
UNC Charlotte
UNC Chapel Hill
UNC Greensboro
UNC Pembroke
UNC Wilmington
Western Carolina University
Winston Salem State University

UNC Flashlight Training Workshop, January 22-23, 2001

In order to help UNC Campuses to understand the Flashlight program and create custom surveys for their campuses, the UNC TLT Collaborative hosted a preliminary, one and a half day training session at North Carolina State University. This workshop allowed representatives from all campuses to gain a clear understanding of the program and to develop collaborative partnerships.

Participant List

Participant Resources

Registration Materials

Workshop Outline
PowerPoint Slides, Day 1
PowerPoint Slides, Day 2
Evaluation Definitions

Worksheet 1
Group Results from Worksheet 1

Worksheet 2
Group Results from Worksheet 2

Biography of Trainer (Patty Derbyshire)


Workshop Report

Participant Survey (read-only)
Survey Results
Summary of Survey Results


For more information contact:

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