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TLT Collaborative: Ongoing Projects and Initiatives

MERLOT (Multimedia Educational Resource for Learning and Online Teaching)

The UNC TLT Collaborative has worked with the UNC Division of Academic Affairs to jointly support UNC participation in the national MERLOT program. MERLOT's mission is to improve the effectiveness of teaching and learning by expanding the quantity and quality of peer-reviewed online learning materials that can be easily incorporated into faculty designed courses.

UNC is a founding member of MERLOT which includes participation from twenty three educational systems and consortia (as of July 2001), and focuses on twelve academic disciplines.

FY2001-2002 participation: Six UNC faculty will participate in national MERLOT review panels covering Music, Physics, Teacher Education, Engineering, and History. One faculty members will participate at the discipline team co-leader level.

FY2000-2001 participation: Eight UNC faculty participated in national MERLOT review panels covering Music, Physics, Teacher Education, Business, Foreign Languages, and Health Sciences. Two of these faculty members participated at the discipline team CO-leader level.

National MERLOT Site

Annual Report from MERLOT, September 2001


Related Materials

UNC MERLOT Report, August 2001 (available soon)

FY 2000-2001 Faculty Activity Reports

Dr. Chuck Bennett, UNC Ashville: Co-Leader in Physics

Dr. Barbara Levin, UNC Greensboro: Co-Leader in Teacher Education

Dr. Karen Smith-Gratto, North Carolina A&T State University: Panel member in Teacher Education

Dr. Michael Rothkopf, North Carolina School of the Arts: Panel member in Music

Dr. Scott Despain, North Carolina State University: Panel member in Foreign Languages

Dr. George Schell, UNC Wilmington: Panel member in Business

UNC MERLOT Report, August 2000


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