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2002 UNC Teaching and Learning with Technology Conference, April 11-13, 2002

2002 Conference Evaluation

The 2002 UNC TLT Conference was held April 11-13, 2002 at the Koury Convention Center in Greensboro

Respondent information

Primary Role:

How would you rate the following characteristics of the conference?
N/A Excellent Very good Good Fair Poor
Included sessions of significance to the audience
Facilitated knowledge sharing among participants
Provided new contacts and opportunities for future collaboration

How well was the conference managed?
N/A Excellent Very good Good Fair Poor
Electronic information (web site, news updates)
Online proposal submission and session information update
Online application and registration
Hotel room reservation
Participant materials
Conference center facilities
Overall organization of the conference
Overall comments

What session(s) was/were most beneficial to you? In what ways?

What follow-up activities would you recommend that the UNC TLT Collaborative pursue?

What should we do differently at the next TLT Conference?

What should not be changed for the next conference?

Additional comments

Overall satisfaction rating
N/A Excellent Very good Good Fair Poor

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