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Grants and Funding Sources Search - 62 results

Mini grants
Each year the Center for Teaching and Learning awards mini-grants of up to $750 to UNC-CH faculty to promote instructional improvement at the university. In the past, proposals have been accepted in the following categories: (a) professional development in teaching, (b) course enhancement (c) curric . . .
Keywords:  grants, course development, professional, curriculum, GTA training, GTAs
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POD Network Grants Program - 2001-2002
The Purpose of the Grant Program is to provide funding to members of POD attempting to contribute new knowledge or tools to the field of instructional, faculty and organizational development. For this year, individuals or groups can apply for funding up to $2,000 in support of projects that will res . . .
Keywords:  teaching and learning reserach
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Pitsco Innovative Education
This site provides an extensive list of links to funding sources. The links include public and private sector sources--foundations, endowments, councils and government.
Keywords:  grants, funding
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Polaris Grants Central
Polaris offers services and resources for grant seekers: instruction and training in grants acquisition, how-to books and publications, technical assistance and support, and on-line advice. The website provides free basic information (directories, lists, tips, resources and articles).
Keywords:  directories, lists, tips, resources, articles
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Electronic Reference--Grants and Other Funding Sources
This page includes links to directories of available funding as well as databases of awards made by various grant-making institutions. Included are agencies, foundations and organizations as well as selected U.S. government sites.
Keywords:  grants, funding
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Excellence, Enterprise, and Equity: Competing Challenges for Higher Education
Society for Research into Higher Education
Keywords:  higher education; research
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NEC Foundation of America Announces Grants
The NEC Foundation of America recently announced eight separate grants totaling $300,000 to not-for-profit organizations focusing their services on education technology applications and/or emerging technologies for people with disabilities. Organizations receiving support from this recent round of g . . .
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U.S. Department of Education (Discretionary Grant Application Packages)
At this site you can find information about grants such as "Disability and Rehabilitation Research Projects and Centers Program" or " Research and Innovation To Improve Services and Results for Children With Disabilities Program" which can be applied for and are available through the U.S. Department . . .
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Grants for Community Technology Centers
The purpose of the Community Technology Centers program is to promote the development of model programs that demonstrate the educational effectiveness of technology in urban and rural areas and economically distressed communities. These Community Technology Centers would provide access to informatio . . .
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The Foundation Center
Free, online searchable index of foundations and their grants.
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D.O.E - Community Technology Centers Program Grant; Notice
Community Technology Centers Program Grant; Notice Inviting Project Applications for One-Year Awards for Fiscal Year (FY) 2001. Purpose of Program: The purpose of the Community Technology Centers program is to promote the use of technology in education through the development of model programs that . . .
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U.S.D.E - FY 2001-2002 Discretionary Grant Application Packages
An excellent resource providing everything you need for finding present grant information, grant applications, and even a link to the federal forms needed.
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The U.S. Department of Education Funding Opportunities
If you're interested in applying for a grant or contract, here's information you'll need to know. Discretionary Grant Application Packages, Federal Register documents, Forecast of Funding Opportunities under ED Discretionary Grant Programs, What Should I Know About ED Grants, Guide to ED Programs, G . . .
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Federal Register of Updated Grant Opportunities
A daily breakdown of educational grant opportunties and announcements from June to April. Also a repository for past grant application notices going back to 1995. RECENT "NOTICES INVITING APPLICATIONS" (grant opportunities) from the U.S. Department of Education (published in the Federal R . . .
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U.S. Charter Schools - Grant Resources For Starting Your Own School
Charter schools are nonsectarian public schools of choice that operate with freedom from many of the regulations that apply to traditional public schools. The "charter" establishing each such school is a performance contract detailing the school's mission, program, goals, students served, methods of . . .
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University of Michigan - Teaching and Learning with Technology
A helpful, step-by-step process on grant writing and funding sources from the University of Michigan.
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National Education Association - Grants
Grants for this site are updated as the grants become available. Check often to see what's new. Current NEA Foundation grants include: Learning and Leadership Grants (individual and group grants) for self-directed professional development, with collegial learning as one component (submission date: . . .
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SOLID Project: NSF, The Course, Curriculum, and Laboratory Improvement (CCLI) program
The Course, Curriculum, and Laboratory Improvement (CCLI) program seeks to improve the quality of Science, Mathematics, Engineering, and Technological (SMET) education for all students and targets activities affecting learning environments, course content, curricula, and educational practices. The C . . .
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U.S. Department of Education's Office of Educational Technology (OET)
The U.S. Department of Education's Office of Educational Technology (OET) develops national educational technology policy and implements this policy through Department-wide educational technology programs. Working closely with the offices of Elementary and Secondary Education (OESE), Educational Res . . .
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SOLID Project: Technology Grant Programs, US Department of Education
This site lists technology grants and additional resources available through the US Department of Education. The Department's Office of Educational Technology works to assist the education community with meeting the national goals for educational technology. Their current focus is on training educat . . .
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SOLID Project: The Distance Learning Funding Sourcebook
The Distance Learning Funding Sourcebook offers the latest research on grants for telecommunications, multimedia, curricula development, and teacher training for private and public schools, higher education, museums, libraries, arts and culture organizations, health and social service agencies, and . . .
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National Science Foundation Information Technology Workforce (ITWF)
* The Information Technology Workforce (ITWF) program welcomes proposals that address important research questions related to the under-representation of women and minorities in the IT workforce. One of the three themes for proposals is understanding how the overall educational environment influence . . .
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National Science Foundation Centers For Learning and Teaching (CLT)
* The Centers for Learning and Teaching (CLT) program is a comprehensive, research-based effort that will address critical issues and national needs of the science, mathematics, engineering and technology (SMET) instructional workforce. Centers will provide a rich environment that melds research, te . . .
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RealNetworks Foundation
The RealNetworks Foundation considers requests that: enable alternative voices or foster the right of free speech throughout the world, broaden access to technology among underserved communities throughout the world, and enhance the quality of life in areas where RealNetworks employees live and work . . .
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Carnegie Corporation of New York
* Building on its history and past programs in the field, Carnegie Corporation will dedicate a major part of its grant funds over the next few years to education reform, beginning with early childhood education and extending to higher education. The education program will focus on three key areas: E . . .
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The Paul G. Allen Virtual Education Foundation
* The foundation primarily funds projects to produce digital content for education, including, but not limited to, multimedia instructional materials and instructional software. Grants support the design, testing and production of digital materials. The foundation also supports projects focused on t . . .
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National Institute on Disability and Rehabilitation Research
* The National Institute on Disability and Rehabilitation Research (NIDRR) plays a unique role in federally funded research activities. NIDRR's work helps to more fully integrate disability research into the mainstream of our nation's policies regarding science and technology, health care, and econo . . .
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Technology Innovation Challenge Grants
* The Technology Innovation Challenge Grant Program provides grants to consortia that are working to improve and expand new applications of technology to strengthen school reform efforts, improve student achievement, and provide sustained professional development for teachers, administrators, and sc . . .
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Community Technology Centers (U.S. Department of Education)
* The purpose of the Community Technology Centers program is to promote the development of model programs that demonstrate the educational effectiveness of technology in urban and rural areas and economically distressed communities. These Community Technology Centers would provide access to informat . . .
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National Science Foundation Course, Curriculum, and Laboratory Improvement (CCLI)
* The Course, Curriculum, and Laboratory Improvement (CCLI) program seeks to improve the quality of Science, Mathematics, Engineering, and Technological (SMET) education for all students and targets activities affecting learning environments, course content, curricula, and educational practices.

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National Science Foundation Program for Gender Equity in Science, Mathematics, Engineering and Technology (PGE)
* The program seeks to broaden the participation of girls and young women in all fields of science, mathematics, engineering and technology (SMET) education by supporting research, demonstration, and dissemination projects that will lead to change in education policy and practice. The findings and . . .
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National Science Foundation Tribal Colleges and Universities Program (TCUP)
* This program provides awards to enhance the quality of science, mathematics, engineering and technology (SMET) instructional and outreach programs, with an emphasis on the leveraged use of information technologies at Tribal Colleges and Universities, Alaskan Native-serving Institutions and Native . . .
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Technology Opportunities Program
Since 1994, the Technology Opportunities Program has been awarding grants for model projects demonstrating innovative uses of network technology.
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Handspring Foundation
Grants of up to $25,000 are available to nonprofit groups that operate programs dedicated to preschool-through-12th-grade education or to issues directly related to at-risk children and youths. Preference will be given to organizations with a strong component of outreach to underserved young people, . . .
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IBM Philanthropy: Project FIRST (Fostering Instructional Reform through Service and Technology)
Project FIRST (Fostering Instructional Reform through Service and Technology), a unique initiative developed through a partnership between IBM and AmeriCorps, is designed to integrate technology into the public school curriculum and increase community involvement using the unique resources and capab . . .
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Microsoft: Art & Technology
Microsoft is a leading corporate partner in this national initiative to provide Internet access and training to artists and nonprofit organizations. The goal of this effort is to ensure that the communications environment of the twenty-first century thrives as a source of creative excellence and div . . .
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Verizon Foundation
Your opportunity to work with Verizon is greatly enhanced if your ideas and proposals address the following issues: Literacy (link basic and computer literacy experts across the nation to create a more literate America), Digital Divide (decrease the digital divide in underserved communities), Workfo . . .
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Preparing Tomorrow's Teachers to use Technology
* Developing future teachers who know how to use modern learning technologies to improve student learning is a major challenge facing our nation's teacher preparation system. PT3 grants support innovative program improvements to prepare technology-proficient educators for 21st century sch . . .
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AT&T Foundation
* For over a century, through extraordinary changes in the company, the industry, and the world, AT&T has maintained this tradition of support for education and philanthropy. AT&T's support for education is comprehensive. They support an approach that brings together students, teachers, parents and . . .
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Star Schools (U.S. Department of Education)
* The purpose of the Star Schools Program is to encourage improved instruction in mathematics, science, and foreign languages as well as other subjects, such as literacy skills and vocational education, and to serve underserved populations, including the disadvantaged, illiterate, limited-English pr . . .
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Office of Migrant Education (U.S. Department of Education)
* This program helps ensure that migrant children can benefit from state and local systemic reforms and: meet the same challenging state content and student performance standards that all children are expected to meet; overcome educational disruption, cultural and language barriers, health related p . . .
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National Science Foundation Advanced Technological Education (ATE)
* This program promotes improvement in technological education at the undergraduate and secondary school levels by supporting curriculum development; the preparation and professional development of college faculty and secondary school teachers; internships and field experiences for faculty, teachers . . .
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National Science Foundation Urban Systemic Program in Science, Mathematics, and Technology Education (USP)
* The Urban Systemic Program in Science, Mathematics, and Technology Education affords the opportunity to build on NSF's existing connections to both the research and education communities to achieve sustained improvements in the quality of science and mathematics teaching and learning in K-12 urban . . .
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National Science Foundation Information Technology Research (ITR) Program
* The National Science Foundation wishes to fund innovative, high payoff research, which explores new scientific, engineering, and educational areas in Information Technology (IT). The program has been considerably broadened to include not only fundamental research in IT, but also new applications . . .
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National Science Foundation Developmental and Learning Sciences: A Multidisciplinary Competition
The primary objective of the Developmental and Learning Sciences competition will be to encourage and support research that increases our understanding of children?s and adolescents? learning in formal and informal settings. This research will focus on mechanisms of development that explain when and . . .
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Peter F. Drucker Award for Nonprofit Innovation
The Peter F. Drucker Award for Nonprofit Innovation is given each year to a nonprofit organization in recognition of a program that has made a difference in the lives of the people it serves -- producing results that exemplify Peter Drucker's definition of innovation: Change that creates a new dimen . . .
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AOL Time Warner Foundation
The AOL Time Warner Foundation, based in New York City and Dulles, Va., engages the full range of AOL Time Warner's unique resources to build innovative and sustainable programs in four priority areas: Equipping Children for a Better Future; Extending Internet Benefits to All; Engaging Communities i . . .
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IBM Philanthropy: Reinventing Education
The Reinventing Education grant program forms the centerpiece of IBM's global commitment to education. Through Reinventing Education, IBM is working with school partners throughout the world to develop and implement innovative technology solutions designed to solve some of education's toughest probl . . .
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Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
While we can celebrate the linking of the globe in a digital web of communications and information flow, we must also turn our attention to those who have not shared in the promise of the Digital Age. The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation is dedicated to sharing the promise of new technologies with al . . .
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Microsoft: Connected Learning Community Program
The Connected Learning Community (CLC) program, seeks to enhance learning and communication in disadvantaged communities by expanding access to information technology. CLC grants are given to public and nonprofit organizations that connect individuals of all ages to learning resources.
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The Markle Foundation
Markle pursues its goals through a range of activities including analysis, research, public information and the development of innovative media products and services. One of the three active funding areas is the Interactive Media for Children program which aims to help realize the potential for chil . . .
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Progressive Technology Project (PTP)
The Progressive Technology Project (PTP) seeks to strengthen community based social change efforts and increase public participation by under-represented communities by exploring and supporting the effective use of information technology.
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Microsoft: Technology Solutions
Microsoft has taken a leadership role in helping nonprofit organizations and their constituents take advantage of the power of technology. They have done this by supporting technology assistance to help nonprofits to meet their mission and deliver services, and by providing software solutions to non . . .
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Microsoft: Higher Education Programs
Microsoft funds selected institutions to improve access to technology and education for disadvantaged communities (students, faculty, staff, community members, etc.), funds selected programs that help women and minorities at national research universities to succeed in math, science, engineering, an . . .
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National Science Foundation Rural Systemic Initiatives in Science, Mathematics, and Technology Education (RSI)
* This program supports activities that promote systemic reform and improvement of science and mathematics education in schools and districts in rural, economically disadvantaged areas. Currently, the program seeks to expand participation in reform and encourages submissions from smaller coalitions, . . .
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National Science, Mathematics, Engineering, and Technology Education Digital Library (NSDL)
* This program aims to establish a national digital library that will constitute an online network of learning environments and resources for science, mathematics, engineering, and technology (SMET) education at all levels.
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National Science Foundation Strategic Technologies for the Internet (STI)
* The purpose is to improve the operational or functional capabilities of the Internet and to enable related collateral efforts for the benefit of the research and education community. Areas of support include but are not limited to: complex network monitoring, problem detection and resolution mecha . . .
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National Science Foundation Computer and Information Science and Engineering (CISE) Program
* The objective of this program is to stimulate innovative educational activities at the undergraduate level in the Computer and Information Science and Engineering (CISE) disciplines by encouraging the transfer of research results into the undergraduate curriculum. The program supports the design, . . .
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Fund for the Improvement of Postsecondary Education (FIPSE) Learning Anytime Anywhere Partnerships (LAAP)
Learning Anytime Anywhere Partnerships (LAAP) is a grant program for asynchronous, innovative, scalable, and nationally significant distance education projects.
Keywords:  distance education asynchronous grants funding FIPSE Fund for the Improvement of Post-secondary Education
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WCU Vice-Chancellor's Instructional Improvement Grant
Western Carolina University
  • How much money is available? Awards are typically in the range of $1,000-$1,500, but any amount up to $6,000 may be requested. Total funding is $6,000.
  • What's the purpose? To support creative, innovative approaches to course or curriculum revision.
  • How can . . .
Keywords:  instructional design grants awards unc schools WCU Western Carolina University
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Funding Sources and Methods for K-12 Distance Education
by Carla Lane, Ed.D., DLRN Senior Consultant
dated August 2, 2000

A summary of the innovative funding for distance learning at the state level.

"The majority of the states are using what has become traditional funding for distance learning. This includes general education funds, lottery g . . .

Keywords:  support grants funding funds k-12 k12 distance learning education
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Pacific-Bell: Search engines for grants and foundation sources for wired teaching and learning.
Keywords:  grants writing foundation
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