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Centers, Organizations, Interest Groups Search - 3 results

The Collaboration - For the advancement of College Teaching and Learning
The Collaboration, in its own words, is an alliance of colleges and universities that supports and promotes outstanding college teaching. It provides professional support and renewal for those who want to enhance student learning through involvement in an inter-institutional and interdisciplinary co . . .
Keywords:  Active Learning, Brain-based Teaching, Cooperative Learning, Critical Thinking, Diversity, Service-Learning.
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Professional and Organizational Development (POD) Network In Higher Education
This site is maintained by the Colorado State University. The Professional and Organizational Development Network in Higher Education (POD) foster human development in higher education through faculty, instructional, and organizational development. Links to the various programs and conferences organ . . .
Keywords:  Teaching Excellence,Videotape Consultations,Teaching Analyisis Poll,Tips,Critical Thinking,Teaching Science,Technology,Student Participation,Course Evalutations, Lecturing, Testing, International TAs.
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NISE College Level One Team
The NISE (National Institute for Science Education) College Level One Team, based at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, is a nationwide community of post-secondary science, mathematics, engineering, and technology (SMET) faculty, education researchers, faculty developers, and students. Our mission . . .
Keywords:  association NISE national institute for Science Education mathematics engineering technology learning
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Conferences, Meetings and Events Search - 0 result

Grants and Funding Sources Search - 0 result

Networking, Collaborative and Sabbatical Opportunities Search - 0 result

Online Collections (databases, lists, etc) Search - 2 results

Mission: Critical
Mission: Critical is an interactive tutorial for critical thinking, in which you will be introduced to basic concepts through sets of instructions and exercises. Formal instructional materials have been kept to a minimum, in order to take advantage of Mission: Critical's interactive format. Through . . .
Keywords:  Critical Thinking
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National Center for Case Study Teaching in Science
Although the case method has been used for years to teach law, business, and medicine, it is not common in science. Yet the use of case studies holds great promise as a pedagogical technique for teaching science, particularly to undergraduates, because it humanizes science and well illustrates scien . . .
Keywords:  case teaching
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People (specialists, consultants, facilitators) Search - 0 result

Policies and Procedures Search - 0 result

Projects and Initiatives Search - 1 result

Critical Thinking Assessment Project
The Critical Thinking Assessment Project at Cal State-Chico seeks to develop and make available an adequate, modular instrument for the assessment of critical thinking competence both generally and in the contexts of specific disciplines. The organization and reporting methodology of this modular in . . .
Keywords:  Critical Thinking
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Publications Search - 8 results

Teaching To Transgress: Education As The Practice Of Freedom
In this book, bell hooks writes about a new kind of education, education as the practice of freedom. She teaches students to transgress against racial, sexual, and class boundaries in order to achieve the gift of freedom. Visit < http://www.webpan.com/eleniotto/Book_Reviews/Adlt_Education/hooks.htm . . .
Keywords:  Critical Thinking, Educational Theory, Gender Issues, Diversity.
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The Craft Of Teaching: A Guide To Mastering The Professor's Art
This book, by Kenneth E. Eble, offers fresh insights on issues of enduring importance -- from how to help students learn and how to make the best use of the classroom to the nuts and bolts of assignments, tests, grades, and textbooks. Visit < http://www.cstudies.ubc.ca/facdev/services/newsletter/97/ . . .
Keywords:  Educational Theory, Motivating Students, Tests, Cheating/Plagiarism, Critical Thinking.
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Becoming A Critically Reflective Teacher
This book, by Stephen D. Brookfield, tells how faculty in higher education may develop themselves as educators and foster transformative learning by their students through the use of critical reflection. Visit for a review of this book. Pu . . .
Keywords:  Adult Learning, Critical Thinking.
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Media in the College Classroom
Over the last two decades, instructional media became an integral part of the pedagogical landscape. And research has shown that audiovisuals can improve learning. Advanced studies are investigating how media may be used to stimulate critical thinking and help students develop a cognitive framework . . .
Keywords:  FYC, media, instructional media, audiovisuals, computer imaging, active learning, learning styles, teaching technologies, learning technologies, critical thinking,
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Classroom activities for active learning
The Center for Teaching and Learning at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill promotes a variety of tested pedagogical skill sets. Among these is "active learning." Evidence from research suggests that active involvement in the learning process is vitally important for the mastery of skill . . .
Keywords:  FYC, active learning, classroom activities, questioning techniques, small group activities, reading and writing exercises
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Computers In The Classroom: Mindtools For Critical Thinking
The Mindtool is a concept, a way of using a computer application program to engage learners in constructive, higher-order, critical thinking about the subject that they are studying. In this book, author David H. Jonassen presents a rationale for using Mindtools, in-depth discussions of the individu . . .
Keywords:  Critical Thinking, Instructional Technology.
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Developing Critical Thinkers: Challenging Adults To Explore Alternative Ways Of Thinking And Acting
This book analyzes current approaches to adult learning and presents a comprehensive review of the research on how adults learn. The author, Stephen D. Brookfield, provides a variety of methods, techniques and approaches that adults can use to come to individual judgments, choices, and decisions ins . . .
Keywords:  Adult Learning, Critical Thinking, Conflict Resolution.
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Using the Web to Foster Critical Thinking Skills
by Dorothy Frayer, Director, Center for Teaching Excellence, Duquesne University

The World Wide Web makes available to students an incredible range of primary sources that can be updated on a regular basis. Without careful instruction, however, students may uncritically accept the information t . . .

Keywords:  instructional design critical thinking web research learning
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Software, Hardware, Services Search - 0 result

Workshops and Training Materials Search - 0 result

Benefits (HR) Search - 0 result

Other Resources Search - 0 result

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