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Publications Search - 13 results of 22 total

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1  Management By Walking Around and the Department Chair
This article by Kina S. Mallard of Union University discusses the strategy and advantages of the "management by walking around" management style.
Keywords:  management skills, leadership, communication skills
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2  The Chair's Four Areas of Concern
According to Richard Weinberg, professor of psychology at the University of Minnesota, there are four areas to consider when taking on the role of a department chair: constituencies, department culture, decision-making style, and the roles of faculty and administrators. (Note: from an article appea . . .
Keywords:  faculty roles and rewards,duties and reponsibilities,management skills, leadership
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3  The Chair as Conflict Mediator
This article in Academic Leader (May 2002) contends that conflicts within academic departments are inevitable--whether they result from competing priorities, misunderstanding or competition over scarce resources. The article's tips on mediation are from D. Jones (The Leader's Role as Mediator of Co . . .
Keywords:  conflict management, management skills, roles and responsibilities, leadership
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4  Fitting Form to Function: A Primer on the Organization of Academic Institutions
R. Weingartner, Oryx Press, 1996. This book is in the American COuncil on Education Series on Higher Education. Written by the former dean of Northwestern University's College of Arts and Sciences. Weingartner is also a serious collector of sculpture and prints, which adds dimensions to his inter . . .
Keywords:  departmental/organizational development, management skills,professional development,leadership
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5  Mending the Cracks in the Ivory Tower: Strategies for Conflict Management in Higher Education
S. Holton, editor, Anker Publishing, 1998. With a particular focus on department chairs and deans, this book helps analyze the many kinds of personal and institutional conflicts most commonly faced in higher education and provides the necessary tools and methods for conflict management. Contributo . . .
Keywords:  conflict management,management skills
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6  Managing People: A Guide for Department Chairs and Deans
D.Leaming, Editor, Anker Publishing 2002. One of the most challenging responsibilities of being a department chair or dean is to effectively manage diverse, independent and autonomous intellectuals--the typical college faculty. This book is a collection of 13 essays by experienced chairs, deans and . . .
Keywords:  communicaton skills,leadership,conflict management,recruitment of faculty,management skills,duties and responsibilities
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7  Journal ofAcademic Leadership
This on-line journal (published and edited by Deryl Leaming) is aimed at those in the adademic world who care about leadership issues. It's goal is "to provide a vast array of articles and esays that speak to the major issues of leadership faced by those in leadership roles--from unit coordinators . . .
Keywords:  leadership,professional development,duties and responsibilities,management skills
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8  Academic Leadership: A Practical Guide to Chairing the Department
(Deryl R. Leaming. Bolton.) This well-written, current and practical guide to managing an academic department covers all the many responsibilities of a department chair, including some of the newest and trickiest. Based on 20 years of experience as a department chair, the author offers a comprehen . . .
Keywords:  management skills, duties and responsibilities, orientation
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9  Getting to Yes: Negotiating Agreement Without Giving In
R. Fisher and W. Ury. New York: Penguin Books, 1991. Considered the negotiator's bible, Getting to Yes, will transform the way you view and handle the negotiation process. Become an adept negotiator by learning to separate the people from the problem, create options that satisfy all involved parti . . .
Keywords:  conflict management, communication skills, leadership, management skills
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10  Leading Change
John P. Kotter. Boston: Harvard Business School Press, 1992. The author examines the efforts of more than 100 companies to remake themselves into better competitors. He identifies the most common mistakes leaders and managers make in attempting to create change and offers an eight-step process to . . .
Keywords:  leadership, change, departmental/organizational development, management skills
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