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1  Time Managment for New Faculty
This article describes techniques for time management for new faculty members, covering a wide range of topics ranging from advice on scheduling meetings, email, to writing grant proposals and teaching.
Keywords:  junior faculty, mentoring
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2  A Manual for Mentoring Faculty
Lemoyne College's manual for mentoring faculty in the humanities. The manual addresses mentoring junior faculty, adjunct faculty and senior faculty
Keywords:  mentoring, junior faculty, part-time faculty, senior faculty
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3  Helping New Faculty Achieve Their Potential
At the year-end retreat of the Faculty Mentoring Program at the University of British Columbia, April 1997, faculty from across disciplines and different levels discussed aspects of academic life that either maximized or minimized the likelihood of new faculty achieving success as academics. Approxi . . .
Keywords:  junior faculty, mentoring
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4  The Art of Mentoring: Lead, Follow and Get Out of the Way
S. Peddy, Bullion Books, 1998. This book teaches how to create a partnership of trust and learning for people in today's chaotic organizations. These lessons come through the story of an internal consultant sent to a small company. Her challenge: renew motivation in the five marketers there or re . . .
Keywords:  mentoring
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5  Menoring: How to Develop Successful Mentor Behaviors
G. Shea, Crisp Pubns, 1998. A recent bestseller with more than 50,000 copies sold, this revised editiion of Mentoring brings the reader up to date on the mentoring process and tells how to use it effectively. Shea explains both what it means to be a mentor and examines the methods and styles of me . . .
Keywords:  mentoring
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6  Learning From Other Women: How to Benefit From the Knowledge, Wisdom, and Experience of Female Mentors
C. Duff, ANACOM, 1999. This book is for women who want to enhance their careers and lives using a virtually untapped reource--other women. This book encourages women to rach up, reach out, and tak eadvantage of the deep resources of other women. Readers will learn how to: go beyond myths and fear . . .
Keywords:  gender-related issues, mentoring
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7  Ms. Mentor's Impeccable Advice for Women in Academia
Emily Toth, University of PA Press, 1997. In Q & A format, Toth, as Ms. Mentor, advices academic women how the professions of adademe function (or don't) and how to successfully negotiate a career path in research and teaching. Toth, described as the "first and foremost agony aunt of American femi . . .
Keywords:  gender-related issues,junior faculty,recruitment of faculty,post-tenure
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8  The Administrative Portfolio: A Practical Guide to Improved Administrative Performance and Personnel Decisions
P. Seldin and M.L. Higgerson, Anker Publishing, 2002. Offers a guide to creating a document--the administrative portfolio--to provide open, factual and systematic evaluation of administrative performance. An adaptation of the teaching portfolio, the adminstrative portfolio brings together informat . . .
Keywords:  professional development, evaluation of staff, mentoring
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9  Mentoring Junior Faculty
This paper offers specific advice to department chairs to increase the chances of success for a new faculty member. The author's suggetions fall into 4 basic categories: 1)make expectations and criteria for promotion clear, 2)facilitate acquisition of resources to meet these expectations, 3)give fr . . .
Keywords:  mentoring, junior faculty, gender-related issues
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10  Advancing Women Network
This is the free on-line newsletter (daily or weekly available) of Advancing Women, a skills building organization, supporting success in the workplace through strategy and mentoring.
Keywords:  gender-related issues, mentoring
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