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Publications Search - 14 results of 23 total

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1   Accounting Administrator's Handbook: A Best Practices Guide For Managing Innovation and Change in Accounting Programs
A comprehensive handbook for chairs of accounting departments
Keywords:  general resource, accounting
Focus Area: Administrative Development
Scope: Global
Resource Type: Publications
Entry Date: July 11, 2003

2   Assessing Your Department's Performance Using SWOT Analysis
USEFUL TOOLS FOR DEVELOPING AND UPDATING PLANS - SWOTs is a technique for gathering information for strategic planning and other goal setting processes. SWOT information (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats) provides data to accurately determine your group's current performance. A group can mean any organization or any team, unit, department, or division within the organization. SWOT information also provides a foundation for effectively and intelligently setting goals and priorities and making key decisions for the group's future.
Keywords:  change, planning, program assessment
Focus Area: Administrative Development
Scope: Global
Resource Type: Publications
Entry Date: July 9, 2003

3   Association of American Colleges and Universities (AAC&U)
Offers web publications, books, monographs, publications (and publication exerpts) and periodicals that run the gamut of interests/needs of those involved in higher education: liberal and general ed, curriculum, faculty, institutional change, diversity, science and health, women, global learning.
Keywords:  general resource
Focus Area: Administrative Development
Scope: Global
Resource Type: Publications
Entry Date: August 14, 2002

4   Change: The Magazine of Higher Learning
Published by the Helen Dwight Reid Education Foundation under editorial leadership of AAHE. This is a well known and respected opinion magazine dealing with contemporary issues in higher learning. AAHE members receive Change bimonthly, a valuable benefit of membership.
Keywords:  teaching support,curriculum,budgets and budgeting, change, leadership
Focus Area: Administrative Development
Scope: Global
Resource Type: Publications
Entry Date: July 30, 2002

In this paper are discussed the mechanisms and processes that have been successful at Kansas State University (KSU) in the College of Engineering and the Department of Computing and Information Sciences (CIS). Several examples are given of successes and how the Dean and Department Head facilitated the changes needed to allow these successes to happen. People-empowering mechanisms that have enabled the CIS Department faculty members to accommodate significant increases in enrollment and achieve significant improvements in research productivity in the last five years without adding new faculty resources are discussed
Keywords:  change, departmental/organizational development
Focus Area: Administrative Development
Scope: Global
Resource Type: Publications
Entry Date: August 21, 2003

6   Jossey-Bass books on higher education
On-line and hard copy catalogs available. Focuses on providing essential knowledge and promoting professional learning, especially in leadership, administration and policy. This includes: duties/responsibilities (for chairs, deans and/or administrators), faculty roles and rewards, budgeting, legal issues, change, senior faculty, leadership, planning and evaluation of faculty.
Keywords:  general resource
Focus Area: Administrative Development
Scope: Global
Resource Type: Publications
Entry Date: July 30, 2002

7   Leading Academic Change: Essential Roles for Department Chairs.
Ann F. Lucas & Associates. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass Publishers, 2000. In this book, Ann Lucas has assembled some of the most thoughtful people in higher education to provide the 'line leaders' of higher education with the essential knowledge they need to bring those changes about." --Margaret A. Miller, president, American Association for Higher Education. Scholars, authors and consultants offer effective models, include recommendations and integrate the latest research with best practices. Readable, accessible format.
Keywords:  leadership,change,duties and responsibilities, curriculum,departmental/organizational development,team building, post-tenure review
Focus Area: Administrative Development
Scope: Global
Resource Type: Publications
Entry Date: July 30, 2002

8   Leading Change
John P. Kotter. Boston: Harvard Business School Press, 1992. The author examines the efforts of more than 100 companies to remake themselves into better competitors. He identifies the most common mistakes leaders and managers make in attempting to create change and offers an eight-step process to overcome the obstacles and carry out the firm's agenda: establishing a greater sense of urgency, creating the guiding coalition, developing a vision and strategy, communicating the change vision, empowering others to act, creating short-term wins, consolidating gains and producing even more change, and institutionalizing new approaches in the future.
Keywords:  leadership, change, departmental/organizational development, management skills
Focus Area: Administrative Development
Scope: Global
Resource Type: Publications
Entry Date: July 30, 2002

9   Moving from Department Chair to Faculty
The transition from chair to full-time faculty member can be challenging, particularly in departments in which chairs have minimum teaching loads and little time for research. This article by David P. Donnelly, former chair of accounting at Kansas State University offers his personal advice on this transition.
Keywords:  change, duties and responsibilities
Focus Area: Administrative Development
Scope: Global
Resource Type: Publications
Entry Date: July 9, 2003

10   Negotiating Change on Campus
A discussion from the 2/01 AAHE Bulletin of the methods two veteran AAHE Summer Academy team leaders used to overcome impediments to their change initiatives in four general areas: communication, leadership, resource strategies and policies/procedures/processes.
Keywords:  communication skills, leadership, planning, change
Focus Area: Administrative Development
Scope: Global
Resource Type: Publications
Entry Date: August 14, 2002

11   Preparing Future Faculty in the Humanities: A Guide for Change
This book summarizes the lessons learned over a decade from implementing Preparing Future Faculty programs in the humanities in numerous institutions.
Keywords:  graduate students
Focus Area: Administrative Development
Scope: Global
Resource Type: Publications
Entry Date: July 11, 2003

12   Providing Useful Information for Deans and Department Chairs
Mary K. Kinnick. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 1994. The major purpose of this volume is to increase the attention institutional researchers give to the information needs of deans and department chairs. Higher education in the United States is in the midst of a major transformation. This process will reshape and reposition in fundamental ways higher education's role in the society. Deans and department chairs are pivotal change agents in this process. To survive, indeed to thrive, postsecondary education institutions must become more learner-centered and must redefine the nature and balance of valued faculty work. Institutional researchers can provide useful information to deans and chairs that will help them to understand changing student needs, to facilitate and assess student learning, to assess and understand faculty culture, and to redefine, assign, and assess faculty work. This is the 84th issue of the quarterly journal New Directions for Institutional Research.
Keywords:  change,departmental/organizational development,duties and responsibilities
Focus Area: Administrative Development
Scope: Global
Resource Type: Publications
Entry Date: July 30, 2002

13   The Academic Dean: Dove, Dragon, and Diplomat
Allan Tucker And Robert A. Bryan, ACE and MacMillan Publishing, 1991. This book contributes to the literature on admnistration, the role of the dean and policy issues faced by faculty and administrators at all levels. It gives current and aspiring deans, as well as chairs, faculty and trustees understanding and appreciation of the complexities faced by academic deans.
Keywords:  change,budgets and budgeting, evaluation of faculty,leadership, management skills,orientation
Focus Area: Administrative Development
Scope: Global
Resource Type: Publications
Entry Date: July 30, 2002

14   University Management 2010: Challenging Choices and Difficult Decisions
W. A. Sibley. Stillwater, OK: New Forums Press, 1998. For this country to grow together and compete effectively internationally in the next millennium, the university community must establish new goals to maintain the necessary educational and expertise levels. Dr. W.A. Sibley argues that the management of higher education must change over the next decade to achieve these goals, and offers a review of the present opportunities and pressures in higher education institution management and ways to meet these challenges. The reader is asked to be involved in solutions of real-life situations. The focus is on Chairs, Deans, and Vice-Presidents who must take information from diverse sources and apply wisdom in order to promote vision, formulate policy, help people, determine priorities, and manage events. (Catalog).
Keywords:  management skills,information/data management,leadership,departmental/organizational development
Focus Area: Administrative Development
Scope: Global
Resource Type: Publications
Entry Date: July 30, 2002

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