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Conferences, Meetings and Events Search - 21 results

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Conferences, Meetings and Events Search - 21 results

1  22nd Annual Lilly Conference on College Teaching
Over 50 featured teacher-scholars will discuss teaching and learning topics ranging from using technology to cooperative learning. There will also be over 50 contributed papers. Opportunities to meet and talk to the presenters are provided at top . . .
Keywords:  Scholarship of Teaching, Teaching and Learning
Event Date(s): November 21, 2002 to November 24, 2002
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2  International Conference on Computers in Education
Through ICCE 2002, New Zealand hopes to contribute enormously to the valuable experience of the ICCEs and hence to reinforce all the efforts to collaborate for the successful building of the new paradigm of education in the information society. Every effo . . .
Keywords:  instructional technology
Event Date(s): December 3, 2002 to December 6, 2002
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3  13th UNC Forum on Distance Learning and Education
This Forum is being co-sponsored by North Carolina Central University and UNC-Greensboro and will be hosted by N.C. Central University. The UNC Forum on Distance Learning and Education will be held at the Radisson Governor's Inn (150 Park Drive, RTP, NC 27709) on Thursday and the School of Ed . . .
Keywords:  distance education
Event Date(s): December 5, 2002 to December 6, 2002
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4  EDUCAUSE Mid-Atlantic Regional Conference
Maintaining Momentum and Making Progress - Join us in Baltimore for the second annual EDUCAUSE Mid-Atlantic Regional Conference, January 15–17, 2003. Whether your focus is administrative services, information resources, teaching and learning, technology infrastructure, . . .
Keywords:  Instructional Technology, Informational Technology
Event Date(s): January 15, 2003 to January 17, 2003
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5  National Learning Infrastructure Initiative Annual Meeting
Teaching, Learning, Technology, and the New Academy - Meeting will center around NLII's key themes - http://www.educause.edu/nlii/keythemes/.
Keywords:  NLII, Instructional Technology
Event Date(s): January 26, 2003 to January 28, 2003
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6  Telelearning 2003
Telelearning 2003 will feature nearly 50 professional development concurrent sessions. Learn the tidbits, tricks of the trade, the latest research, what you shouldn't do - distance learning projects that sounded good in theory, but flopped in . . .
Keywords:  Distance Learning
Event Date(s): February 9, 2003 to February 12, 2003
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7  TeleLearning 2003
TeleLearning 2003 will feature nearly 60 professional development concurrent sessions, and will focus on Distance Education and Educational Technology. Sponsored by the Instructional Technology Council, Washington, DC
Keywords:  distance education, instructional technology
Event Date(s): February 9, 2003 to February 12, 2003
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8  Stop Surfing - Start Teaching
2003 National Conference on Teaching and Learning Through the Internet. A national forum for the discussion of the radically changing professional notions on how, when and where students best learn.
Keywords:  instructional technology
Event Date(s): February 16, 2003 to February 19, 2003
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9  EDUCAUSE Southwest Regional Conference
The theme of the 2003 conference is “IT in Higher Education: Mobilizing the Mission.” As an IT professional in higher education, you’re challenged with balancing the demands of technology with the unique mission of your institution. Don't miss this chance to build the . . .
Keywords:  Instructional Technology
Event Date(s): February 19, 2003 to February 21, 2003
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10  15th Annual International Teachers Teaching with Technology Conference
Nashville, Tennessee. A conference for all Kindergarten-University educators interested in using educational technology to enhance the teaching and learning of mathematics and science.
Keywords:  conference event teaching k-12 mathematics science calculator CBL
Event Date(s): March 7, 2003 to March 9, 2003
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11  The SUN Conference on Teaching and Learning
The SUN Conference on Teaching and Learning is dedicated to building a global community of university teachers whose commitment to instructional excellence transcends disciplinary, cultural, and national barriers. . . .
Keywords:  Critical Thinking, Teaching and Learning
Event Date(s): March 7, 2003 to March 8, 2003
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12  The Southern Regional Faculty and Instructional Development Consortium 24th Annual Sharing Conference
The Southern Regional Faculty and Instructional Development Consortium (SRFIDC) is an organization of faculty and instructional development programs (teaching centers, instructional technology centers, faculty development committees, etc.) in two- and . . .
Keywords:  faculty development
Event Date(s): March 9, 2003 to March 11, 2003
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13  2003 Learning to Change Conference
Uniting the best features of AAHE’s Conference on Faculty Roles & Rewards and National Conference on Higher Education, the Learning to Change Conference releases new energy to address the challenges of higher education and convene an . . .
Keywords:  Teaching and Learning, Roles and Rewards
Event Date(s): March 14, 2003 to March 17, 2003
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14  Mid-South Instructional Technology Conference
The Challenge Continues - The conference is hosted by Middle Tennessee State University in Murfreesboro. Track sessions and topics: Track 1 - Effective Technology Based Learning Environments; Track 2 - Innovation and Future Implementation in Instructional Technology; Track 3 - . . .
Keywords:  Instructional Technology
Event Date(s): March 30, 2003 to April 1, 2003
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15  14th International Conference on College Teaching and Learning,
The conference continues the previous emphasis on innovative teaching, learning, and technology through both featured speakers and paper presentations. It once again includes poster sessions and an international, live videoconference and . . .
Keywords:  Instructional Technology
Event Date(s): April 1, 2003 to April 5, 2003
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16  UNESCO Conference on Teaching and Learning for Intercultural Understanding, Human Rights and a Culture of Peace
You are cordially invited to come to share and discuss your ideas about, problems with and expertise in the issues of equity, social justice, conflict resolution and democracy at the international conference. We welcome you as a teacher, developer or researcher involved in intercultural educatio . . .
Keywords:  Multicultural
Event Date(s): June 15, 2003 to June 18, 2003
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17  http://www.aahe.org/assessment/2003/
This year’s assessment conference responds to the National Research Council’s call for a "Richer and More Coherent Set of Assessment Practices." As described in its report Knowing What Students Know: The Science and Design of . . .
Keywords:  Assessment
Event Date(s): June 22, 2003 to June 24, 2003
2003 AAHE Assessment Conference
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18  Third Annual Institute on Learning Communities
The Institute will focus on learning community theory and practice, emphasizing: strategies for situating and shaping programs to serve learners and their actual needs; curricular design and planning; community and ways to foster it; l promising pedagogies; evaluation and assessment; and lear . . .
Keywords:  Learning communities
Event Date(s): June 24, 2003 to June 29, 2003
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19  Fourth National Institute for New Faculty Developers
A multi-day, intensive, hands-on working residential program designed to address questions posed by faculty developers, to provide a framework for effective instructional development activites on your campus, and to put new faculty developers at ease in their positions.
Keywords:  faculty development
Event Date(s): June 28, 2003 to July 2, 2003
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20  3rd International Conference on Technology in Teaching and Learning in Higher Education
The focus of this international conference is to address the various issues surrounding the uses and possibilities of technology in teaching and learning. Following previously succesfull conferences in 2000 (funded by the Spencer Foundation) and 2001, this forum will bring together faculty, student . . .
Keywords:  instructional technology
Event Date(s): July 14, 2003 to July 16, 2003
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21  EDUCAUSE 2003
The theme of the conference is "Balancing Opportunities, Expectations, and Resources." It’s clear to all of us working with technology in higher education that the struggle to find balance will continue indefinitely. To be sure, new opportunities and challenges will come, along with new demand . . .
Keywords:  Instructional Technology
Event Date(s): November 4, 2003 to November 7, 2003
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