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PDP Portal - Search RESULTS
Your search has produced grand total of:   6   results
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Centers, Organizations, Interest Groups Search - 1 result
Conferences, Meetings and Events Search - 0 results
Grants and Funding Sources Search - 0 results
Networking, Collaborative and Sabbatical Opportunities Search - 0 results
Online Collections (databases, lists, etc) Search - 0 results
People (specialists, consultants, facilitators) Search - 0 results
Policies and Procedures Search - 0 results
Projects and Initiatives Search - 0 results
Publications Search - 5 results
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Workshop and Training Materials Search - 0 results
Benefits (HR) Search - 0 results
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Centers, Organizations, Interest Groups Search - 1 result

1  Catalyst
Catalyst > Overview Mission History Directors . . .
Keywords:  gender-related issues,professional development, leadership
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Publications Search - 5 results

2  Academic Leadership: A Practical Guide to Chairing the Department
(Deryl R. Leaming. Bolton.) This well-written, current and practical guide to managing an academic department covers all the many responsibilities of a department chair, including some of the newest and trickiest. Based on 20 years of experience as a department chair, the author offers a comprehen . . .
Keywords:  management skills, duties and responsibilities, orientation
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3  The Department Chair's Role in Developing New Faculty into Teachers and Scholars
Estela Mara Bensimon, Kelly Ward, and Karla Sanders. Bolton, MA: Anker Publishing Co., 2000. Hiring new tenure-track faculty and seeing them through to tenure is an onerous responsibility for department chairs, with significant departmental and institutional consequences. The Department Chair's Rol . . .
Keywords:  junior faculty, recruitment of faculty, evaluation of faculty
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4  Higher Education Administration: A Guide to Legal, Ethical and Practical Issues
Norma M. Goonen and Rachel S. Blechman. Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 1999. Department of Human Resource Management Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey. Provides an analysis useful as a desk reference or as a text for practicing and prospective administrators and university counsel. They e . . .
Keywords:  legal issues, leadership orientation
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5  On Being a Department Head: A Personal View
John B. Conway. Providence, RI: American Mathematical Society, 1996. This unique book presents a witty, well-written personal view about the experience of being a department head. Those in academia will profit from the author's inside view, and other department heads and chairs---new and old---wil . . .
Keywords:  duties and responsibilities, orientation, leadership
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6  The Academic Dean: Dove, Dragon, and Diplomat
Allan Tucker And Robert A. Bryan, ACE and MacMillan Publishing, 1991. This book contributes to the literature on admnistration, the role of the dean and policy issues faced by faculty and administrators at all levels. It gives current and aspiring deans, as well as chairs, faculty and trustees und . . .
Keywords:  change,budgets and budgeting, evaluation of faculty,leadership, management skills,orientation
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