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PDP Portal - Search RESULTS
Your search has produced grand total of:   5   results
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Centers, Organizations, Interest Groups Search - 0 results
Conferences, Meetings and Events Search - 3 results
Grants and Funding Sources Search - 0 results
Networking, Collaborative and Sabbatical Opportunities Search - 0 results
Online Collections (databases, lists, etc) Search - 1 result
People (specialists, consultants, facilitators) Search - 0 results
Policies and Procedures Search - 0 results
Projects and Initiatives Search - 0 results
Publications Search - 1 result
Software, Hardware, Services Search - 0 results
Workshop and Training Materials Search - 0 results
Benefits (HR) Search - 0 results
Other Resources Search - 0 results
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Conferences, Meetings and Events Search - 3 results

1  Thirty-Third Annual Conference of the International Society for Exploring Teaching and Learning
ISETL encourages college and university faculty and practitioners from all disciplines to develop, study , and apply learner-centered peinciples of teaching, learning, and assessment in innovative, yet effective and practical ways.
Keywords:  learner centered, assessment, scholarship of teaching
Event Date(s): October 16, 2003 to October 18, 2003
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2  Changing Institutional Priorities: Developing a Shared Understanding of the Value of Assessing Student Learning
AAHE Focus on Learning Workshop – This workshop aims to strengthen institutions’ assessment efforts by promoting a culture that embraces change and applied scholarship of teaching.
Keywords:  assessment, scholarship of teaching and learning
Event Date(s): October 23, 2003 to October 25, 2003
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3  2004 Teaching Professor Conference
Celebrating Teaching and Promoting Learning - An Intensive 3-Day Conference of Ideas For College Faculty, Department Chairs, and Academic Deans
Keywords:  teaching and learning, technology, Scholarship of Teaching
Event Date(s): May 21, 2004 to May 23, 2004
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Online Collections (databases, lists, etc) Search - 1 result

4  The Active Learning Site
This site supports the scholarship of teaching by providing research-based resources designed to help faculty use active learning successfully in college and university classrooms. Resources include active learning workshops, inventories, bibliographies, summaries, and web links.
Keywords:  Active/Student-Centered/Learner-Centered Learning
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Publications Search - 1 result

5  Scholarship Assessed: Evaluation Of The Professoriate
This book by Charles E. Glassick, Mary Taylor Huber and Gene I. Maeroff examines the changing nature of scholarship in today's colleges and universities. It proposes new standards for scholarship and faculty performance with special emphasis on methods for assessing and documenting effective scholar . . .
Keywords:  Educational Theory, Scholarship of Teaching, Assessment.
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