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PDP Portal - Search RESULTS
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Centers, Organizations, Interest Groups Search - 1 result
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Networking, Collaborative and Sabbatical Opportunities Search - 0 results
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Publications Search - 3 results
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Centers, Organizations, Interest Groups Search - 1 result

1  Center for Support of Teaching and Learning - Syracuse University
Center for Support of Teaching and Learning (CSTL) supports teaching and learning through consultation, coordination, research/evaluation, and the provision of direct services. The website provides links to Upcoming Events and Resources which include Consultations, Useful Links, and the very useful . . .
Keywords:  Assessment, Course Dev, First Day, Classroom Dynamics, Grading, Teaching Large Classes, Disabilities, Reflective Practice, Course Portfolio, Evaluation, Institutional Research, Survey Design & Analysis.
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Publications Search - 3 results

2  Teaching Large Classes In Higher Education: How To Maintain Quality With Reduced Resources
This book gives practical assistance, through examples and guidelines, to those responsible for teaching large classes. Edited by Graham Gibbs and Alan Jenkins. Published By: Kogan Page Limited; ISBN: 0-7494-0600-3; No. Of Pages: 170.
Keywords:  Educational Theory, Large Classes.
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3  Teaching Large Classes: Tools And Strategies
In this book, Elisa Carbone offers advice on how to deal with large classes. The book is full of examples taken from many different disciplines, and helps any teacher who would face the challenge of the large introductory class. Published By: Sage Publications; ISBN: 0-7619-0975-3; No. of Pages: 97.
Keywords:  Large Classes.
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4  Teaching Large Lecture Classes
The Center for Teaching and Learning at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill has compiled interviews with faculty and TAs concerning what they know and like about teaching undergraduates at UNC. This compilation forms what the Center refers to as the "teacher's desk reference." It is a w . . .
Keywords:  FYC, teaching techniques, large classes, large lectures, precept sections, TAs, course planning, exams, grading
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