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PDP Portal - Search RESULTS
Your search has produced grand total of:   9   results
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Centers, Organizations, Interest Groups Search - 2 results
Conferences, Meetings and Events Search - 0 results
Grants and Funding Sources Search - 0 results
Networking, Collaborative and Sabbatical Opportunities Search - 0 results
Online Collections (databases, lists, etc) Search - 3 results
People (specialists, consultants, facilitators) Search - 0 results
Policies and Procedures Search - 0 results
Projects and Initiatives Search - 2 results
Publications Search - 1 result
Software, Hardware, Services Search - 0 results
Workshop and Training Materials Search - 0 results
Benefits (HR) Search - 0 results
Other Resources Search - 1 result
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Centers, Organizations, Interest Groups Search - 2 results

1  Shaping the Information & Communication Technology Infrastructure at NC State
Slides from the Information Technology Division Open Forum sponsored by the Teaching Learning and Technology Roundtable at NC State and held January 31, 2002 provide a look at various IT topics, as they exist at the moment. Support for student IT fluency, wireless technologies, security challenges, . . .
Keywords:  Information Technology, Teaching with Technology.
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2  ECU Information Technology and Computing Services
ECU Information Technology and Computing Services

Includes information about :
Client Services
PDA support
software downloads
news about upcoming events
news about technological initiatives at ECU

Keywords:  ECU East Carolina University support training computer unc schools
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Online Collections (databases, lists, etc) Search - 3 results

3  Handheld Computers and Wireless Environments in Education
Handheld computers in a wireless environment can be used to facilitate student learning, provide feedback to instructors about students' understanding of material, and gather assessment data during instruction. Many projects exist that utilize either handheld devices, wireless environments, or both . . .
Keywords:  handheld, wireless
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4  Palmtop Medicine at VCU
Medical students have joined faculty in testing the usefulness of Personal Digital Assistants (PDAs) in the clinical setting.
Keywords:  PDA, Palm. medicine
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5  Medical PDA links
A comprehensive list of PDA links and PDA medical links
Keywords:  PDA, Medicine
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Projects and Initiatives Search - 2 results

6  Project Numina - UNC Wilmington
Project Numina is an attempt to improve meaningful learning of abstract science and mathematics concepts by integrating media, interactive exercises, and hypertext materials into the classroom using hand-held PCs (H/PCs) connected to a wireless network. This technology provides students with a rich . . .
Keywords:  Cheminstry, wireless, hand-held PCs
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7  Using Wireless Palm Technology to Promote Active Learning in the Classroom
Western Carolina University, Dr. Frank Prochaska, Mr. Robert Orr, Dr. Robert Houghton, and Dr. Robbie Pittman.

A University Of North Carolina Teaching and Learning Collaborative Grant

Western Carolina University is proposing to investigate how wireless palm technology can be used to achi . . .

Keywords:  tlt teaching and learnign with technology unc schools WCU Western Carolina University research palm experimental
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Publications Search - 1 result

8  Evaluation Of The North Carolina State University College of Engineering Mobile Computing Pilot Program
The goal of this project is to determine how the use of laptop computers and wireless connectivity can enhance the undergraduate academic experience in engineering.
Keywords:  assessment, wireless
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Other Resources Search - 1 result

9  Bluetooth Gives Disabled Students Wireless Access to Course Content
The National Star College of Further Education in Cheltenham, UK, has set up a Bluetooth network to let its 150 physically disabled or brain-injured students access course content and other resources and submit schoolwork wirelessly using laptop computers.
Keywords:  Assistive Technology, physically challenged, disabled, disability, wireless, brain-injured
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