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Submission Details

Date(s): December 03, 2001 to December 05, 2001
Title: EDUCAUSE Regional Conference for Information Technology Professionals in Higher Education
Comments: As information technology increasingly is used to support all aspects of higher education, user and institutional expectations have risen. IT organizations are thus squeezed between these expectations and the realities of the limits to growth. To help IT executives in higher education in the Mid-Atlantic region address these increased expectations, EDUCAUSE is presenting a new regional conference for the Mid-Atlantic region. The conference theme is "Visions, Expectations, and Reality: The Implications of Pervasive Computing." The Program Committee has developed five tracks that cover the full range of IT issues relevant to this theme. One of these tracks will build on the past four years of the successful national conference on Ubiquitous Computing. A sixth track, Corporate Presentations, will showcase how corporations can help IT professionals. Ubiquitous "Lessons Learned Supporting Pervasive Computing on Campus Networking Teaching and Learning TLT Administration/Management
Scope: Global
Focus Area: Teaching and Learning
Keywords: None

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