university of north carolina teaching and learning with technology collaborative
Thursday September 25 
2001 UNC Teaching and Learning with Technology Conference

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The UNC TLT Collaborative 2001 Conference was held
at the University of North Carolina at Wilmington
on May 2325, 2001.

Philosophy of Teaching and Learning with Technology Track

Breakout Session A

Wednesday, May 23
3:00 - 5:30 p.m.
Location: Conference center:Office Showcase Room

Beyond Powerpoint and WebCT: What the Heck is Teaching and Learning with Technology - and is it Consistent with other Educational Goals?

The goals of this discussion session are (1) to develop a general conceptual framework for understanding what we mean by "teaching and learning with technology," (2) to gain an appreciation for the wide variety of ways that technology is being used within the teaching and learning process in higher education, and (3) to summarize the ways in which the use of technology is consistent/not consistent with broader educational goals and objectives.

We will meet these goals by:

  • examining the roles that technology can play in different contexts in teaching and learning;
  • sharing examples from our own campuses of how technology is being used to effectively promote teaching and learning; and
  • discussing the ways in which current uses of technology in teaching aid or hinder the learning process.
  • Discussion Questions:

  • What do we mean by "teaching and learning with technology?"
  • What do we want students to learn in our classes and how can the use of technology help us achieve those goals?
  • How is the use of technology related to other pedagogical tools (e.g. active learning, service learning, etc.)?
  • How is technology currently being used in the teaching and learning process? Is it effective? Why or why not?
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