university of north carolina teaching and learning with technology collaborative
Tuesday September 2 
2001 UNC Teaching and Learning with Technology Conference

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The UNC TLT Collaborative 2001 Conference was held
at the University of North Carolina at Wilmington
on May 2325, 2001.

2001 Conference Evaluation

Step 1: Log in

Welcome! To submit the evaluation, youll need to be logged into the TLT Collaborative web portal.

  • Your answers to this survey are completely anonymous. The login process ensures that respondents are registered conference participants, and it allows us to collect demographic data (your campus, role, and discussion track) to support analysis of the other collected information. We will store aggregated information, but not individual sets of answers.
  • If you are already logged in,
    the Log In button will take you directly to step 2 of the evaluation process.
  • If you are not logged in,
    the Log In button will allow you to do so and then take you to step 2 of the evaluation process.

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