university of north carolina teaching and learning with technology collaborative
Thursday May 31 
2001 UNC Teaching and Learning with Technology Conference

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The UNC TLT Collaborative 2001 Conference will be held
at the University of North Carolina at Wilmington
on May 2325, 2001.

Strategies for TLT Support of Faculty and Peer-to-Peer Transfer of Technology

Notes for Session A


Strategies for TLT Support of Faculty and Peer-to-Peer Transfer of Technology

Wednesday, May 23, 2001

Breakout Session A

Copyright use and ownership policy of the University of North Carolina-Adopted by the Board of Governors 11/10/2000

Peer-peer tech

What is them?

Who are they?

Who are you?

Support titles- you do not know what we do.

Confusion on where to go and what people need to know

Reactive/just in time to provide services

Staff does not know how to get the right answers

Customer service and support for all

Student/faculty/staff--different objectives- tech tools are the end use tools properly, faculty less hassle use less easy-student how will it work wanting more knowledge

What is the common factor between the three, faculty, staff and student?

Where are we together?

Let them know we are at the same level and let them know we are to be glue together

Do workshops work?

Offer alternative-workshops, websites, hands on works shops-short, focused and direct

Theoretical/philosophical one (which does not attract enough people

Difference between the ITC doing things for the faculty, vs teaching to do things

How do you deal with faculty who are scared, under stress, inexperienced, told to use technology

Faculty barriers, motivations

Run seminars to help learn technology

What makes it work is the horizontal comparisons understanding that working together works

How do pedagogy and technology get together in the support?

Evaluate course systems to what will work for your group

Distance Education(requires everything digital) vs. digitally enhanced traditional instruction

Should a faculty member have to take an online course before teaching one? Can use(UNC-C)short on line course as a initial part of training faculty. May produce a short: which will interact and do some monitoring and mutual support.

Library may develop a better communication with faculty, make appointments to show using of technology in using library, training support, data bases, public relationships and what the library can do for you. Informing the faculty of what can be offered to them.

Need of administrative support in offering courses, scheduling according to faculty needs

“Lessons in a bottle” easy information on using areas of technology, support lessons

Faculty incentive: carrot vs. stick- but campus priorities may divert effort to other areas

NCCCS Virtual Learning Community-Faculty to provide incentives “support team” on line courses. Done by presidents, lead to a great increase in course development. Courses belong to the system not the individual, this is according to the NCCCS IP Policy.

UNC system wide IP policy-also needs specific implementation at each campus-more provision for faculty ownership

Incentives, stipends-with part or all contingent on online and hands on courses-sometimes the stipend is used to get campus ownership, hardware(laptops),for faculty who get” invested” in getting training and using the technology

ASU provides a series of 8 workshops for faculty-culminating in a meeting with the faculty showing off what they have accomplished including pedagogy. Works start off with pedagogy and including technology, with 3 being WebCT use emphasizing good pedagogical practices

Break: Brainstorming-Issues to list and describe- discussion

Tomorrow- Best practices to help on these issues

Generate ideas from all campuses

Faculty do not realize that they have a need for improved skills in technology, find ways to encourage the need for them to improve their skills

Issues and concerns:

Incentives-hardware, financial, cooperation between ITC and faculty, continual support, different types of support (just in time(answers right away, immediate needs), help desk, more time reacting to a faculty member, JIT support,

Effective types of support- “house calls” cost to campus, is there administrative support for financing

Effective media support

Should there be central support for new services( comparable to old centralized slide processing) scanning

Faculty issues:

More support, replacing equipment, upgrading equipment,(renewing every 4 years, assessments of productivity), hardware and software

Faculty- roles and rewards- Promotions and Tenure- may not be looked on positively by the senior faculty who vote on P & T

Workload- hard to for faculty to foresee how much work a task will involve

Different disciplines

Language difficulty

Who is responsibility is pedagogy? Need both ITC and faculty to be thinking!

Student demand- for web enhancement, want speed, convenience and NOW, pizzazz

“ Any information on the web which doesn’t help me is worthless”

Who to call to get help- better PR- big problem! Will a call be answered by a “live” person, who is sympathetic, and who can connect to a person who knows the answer.

Should student be allowed to participate in the program?

Teaching assistance- train to be consultants

Different modes of delivery- on line, computer based tutorial, one on one, project oriented, Application oriented training vs. project oriented

Legal issues- see UNC IP Policy-ADA issues

Handheld-designing pages so they can be used on a PDA

Should campus specify what computers/software to be used by everyone?

Notes for Session B

Notes will be available following the session.

Notes for Session C

Notes will be available following the session.

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