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UNC Flashlight Statewide Training Workshop Survey

What were your reasons for attending the workshop? Include information about what you hoped to learn.
(9 - 10) lines
Please indicate your primary role with regard to Flashlight:
Flashlight administrator
Flashlight trainer
Flashlight user
Survey professional
Other (describe)
Please indicate your level of experience with Flashlight prior to the workshop:
No familiarity
Visited Flashlight web site
Just getting started with Flashlight
Using Flashlight for some time
In what ways did the workshop end up being useful to you?
(9 - 10) lines
In what ways could the workshop have been better?
(9 - 10) lines
What other feedback would you like us to provide in a follow-up report to the provider of Flashlight to prepare that organization for future training on your campus?
(9 - 10) lines
Rate how well each aspect of the workshop met your needs:
Monday afternoon Excellent Good Fair Poor Not Applicable
Overview of evaluation concepts
Overview of what Flashlight provides
Selection of an issue of interest using the Task 1 worksheet
Sharing of issues raised by other participants
Tuesday morning Excellent Good Fair Poor Not Applicable
Discussion of relationships among technologies, activities, and outcomes
Tuesday afternoon Excellent Good Fair Poor Not Applicable
Creation of evaluation triads using the Task 2 worksheet
Sharing of evaluation triads created by other participants
Trying out Flashlight
Throughout the workshop Excellent Good Fair Poor Not Applicable
Informal discussion with other participants
Informal discussion with the trainer
Flashlight Use:
Briefly, what potential uses do you envision Flashlight having on your campus? Include information about the timeframes, if possible.
(9 - 10) lines
What concerns do you have about using Flashlight?
(9 - 10) lines
What improvements could make Flashlight a better product?
(9 - 10) lines
Flashlight Resources:
Describe any additional help that you need from the provider of Flashlight:
No additional assistance from the provider is required
Provide additional training (describe)
Other (describe)
In what ways could the UNC TLT Collaborative assist you with Flashlight use?
(9 - 10) lines
TLT Surveys:
Do you have specific suggestions for Flashlight-based surveys and questionnaires that could be developed by the TLT Collaborative to serve UNC as a whole?
(9 - 10) lines
Respondent Information (optional):
Unless you prefer to remain anonymous, please tell us how to reach you:
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