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71 UNCG Forum on Copyright and Distance Learning |
Provides useful information on the following topics:
- Copyright Law Basics
- The "Fair Use" Exception
- UNCG Intellectual Property Policy
- Guidelines for Classroom Copying
- Special Issues In Distance Learning
- Links to More Information
Keywords: legal issues copyright fair use distance learning teaching guidelines intellectual property UNCG | |
Focus Area: Teaching and Learning |
Scope: USA , North Carolina , UNC Greensboro |
Resource Type: Centers, Organizations, Interest Groups |
Entry Date: May 5, 2001 |
72 UNCG Instructional and Research Computing |
UNCG Instructional and Research Computing
One of the departments in UNCG's Division of Information Technology, Instructional & Research Computing provides computing services to faculty and students. They build and maintain computing labs on campus, including the SuperLab, which houses 150 computers and the Student Computing Help Center.
Keywords: UNC schools university of north carolina at greensboro UNCG instructional research computing | |
Focus Area: Teaching and Learning |
Scope: North Carolina , UNC , UNC Greensboro |
Resource Type: Centers, Organizations, Interest Groups |
Entry Date: November 28, 2000 |
73 UNCG Instructional Development Services |
Instructional Developent services include assisting faculty members in enhancing teaching skills, improving courses, and resolving instructional problems. The staff plans and coordinates workshops related to classroom instruction, evaluation, management, and student learning. The Center maintains a calendar of faculty and instructional development events. The TLC coordinates programming related to course and instructional enhancement. |
Keywords: university of north carolina at greensboro UNCG instructional development services support faculty development | |
Focus Area: Teaching and Learning |
Scope: North Carolina , UNC , UNC Greensboro |
Resource Type: Centers, Organizations, Interest Groups |
Entry Date: May 5, 2001 |
74 UNCG Jackson Library, Distance Education Services |
A summary of the various library services offered to distance education students and faculty. Includes direct links to many library electronic resources. |
Keywords: university unc schools university of north carolina at greensboro library distance education services support research | |
Focus Area: Teaching and Learning |
Scope: North Carolina , UNC |
Resource Type: Centers, Organizations, Interest Groups |
Entry Date: May 4, 2001 |
75 UNCG Media Production & Duplication |
Information about the services provided by the University Teaching & Learning Center, including:
- Graphic Design
- Photography
- Digital Imaging
- Video Production
- Copyright Law
- Teleconferencing
- Student Services.
Keywords: university teaching learning center services technical support classroom tlc greensboro | |
Focus Area: Teaching and Learning |
Scope: UNC Greensboro |
Resource Type: Centers, Organizations, Interest Groups |
Entry Date: May 5, 2001 |
76 UNCG Office of Information Technology |
The Office of Information Technology (IT) is part of the division of Information Technology and Planning. IT is a service organization whose mission is to plan and provide the University with the best computing and technology support possible within the context of institutional priorities and available resources. IT is responsible for University-wide administrative and academic computing as well as campus networking for data and video. |
Keywords: unc schools university of north carolina at greensboro information technology support | |
Focus Area: Teaching and Learning |
Scope: North Carolina , UNC , UNC Greensboro |
Resource Type: Centers, Organizations, Interest Groups |
Entry Date: May 3, 2001 |
77 UNCG Teaching, Learning and Technology Roundtable |
Information about the roundtable and their activities at UNCG. |
Keywords: university north carolina greensboro tlt ltc teaching learning technology roundtable | |
Focus Area: Teaching and Learning |
Scope: UNC Greensboro |
Resource Type: Centers, Organizations, Interest Groups |
Entry Date: May 5, 2001 |
78 UNCG TLC Audiovisual Equipment and Supplies Services |
General information about the types of equipment available, booking procedures, delivery and use. |
Keywords: university north carolina greensboro audiovisual supplies services support classroom tlc | |
Focus Area: Teaching and Learning |
Scope: UNC Greensboro |
Resource Type: Centers, Organizations, Interest Groups |
Entry Date: May 5, 2001 |
79 UNCG TLC K-12 Materials Collection |
Provides materials to support the teacher education programs of UNCG. These materials include K-12 tradebooks, textbooks (current adoption plus one previous adoption), curriculum guides (state, local, and regional) material emphasizing practical teaching aids, selection tools including bibliographic materials, samples of standardized tests, SDPI publications, samples of children's periodicals, and commercial catalogs. |
Keywords: university north carolina greensboro teaching materials k-12 tlc cmc teacher education | |
Focus Area: Teaching and Learning |
Scope: UNC Greensboro |
Resource Type: Centers, Organizations, Interest Groups |
Entry Date: May 5, 2001 |
80 UNCG TLC Video Collection |
Policies and procedures for use of the instructional and browsing video colelctions. Search the collection by title, series, subject, or description. |
Keywords: university north carolina greensboro tlc video instruction support | |
Focus Area: Teaching and Learning |
Scope: UNC Greensboro |
Resource Type: Centers, Organizations, Interest Groups |
Entry Date: May 5, 2001 |
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