Conferences, Meetings and Events Search - 42 results of 32 total
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21 MERLOT International Conference - 2003 |
MERLOT—the Multimedia Education Resource for Learning and Online Teaching, is a free and open resource designed for faculty and students in higher education. MERLOT helps faculty enhance instruction with a continually growing collection of online, reviewed learning materials and assignments. MERLOT is also a community of educators who strive to enrich teaching and learning. |
Keywords: online teaching, learning objects |
Event Date(s): August 5, 2003 to August 8, 2003 |
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Focus Area: Teaching and Learning |
Scope: Global |
Resource Type: Conferences, Meetings and Events |
Entry Date: March 4, 2003 |
22 NEFDC - Fall 2003 Conference |
The Recovery of Community in Higher Education - In this session, presented by Dr. Palmer, we will focus on knowing, teaching and learning as communal activities. What would it mean to renew the spirit and reality of community on campus in ways that advance the academies core mission? Given the nature of academic institutions and culture, how might we think and act, as individuals and as groups, to bring our work closer to the historic vision of “the community of scholars”? Sponsored by the New England Faculty Development Consortium |
Keywords: faculty development, community |
Event Date(s): November 14, 2003 |
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Focus Area: Teaching and Learning |
Scope: Global |
Resource Type: Conferences, Meetings and Events |
Entry Date: April 23, 2003 |
23 NEFDC - Spring Roundup - 2003 |
Key Issues for Faculty Developers - Strands for 2003 Building and Maintaining Communities of Learning Strategies for Strengthening Faculty Support Making Technology Work for Us. Sponsored by the New England Faculty Development Consortium |
Keywords: faculty development |
Event Date(s): June 6, 2003 |
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Focus Area: Teaching and Learning |
Scope: Global |
Resource Type: Conferences, Meetings and Events |
Entry Date: April 23, 2003 |
24 NLII Focus Session : Rubrics for Transformative Assessment Systems |
The focus session is designed as part of the Transformative Assessment Project to elicit new ideas about assessment practices and systems that can transform teaching and learning and to help institutions of higher education put these ideas into action. Transformative assessment systems are institution-wide assessment strategies based on institutional goals and integrated across all levels—the course, the program, and the institution—to systematically transform teaching and learning. |
Keywords: Assessment |
Event Date(s): July 20, 2003 |
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Focus Area: Teaching and Learning |
Scope: Global |
Resource Type: Conferences, Meetings and Events |
Entry Date: February 10, 2003 |
25 NLII Focus Session: Learning Objects |
We will collaboratively reflect on the assumptions and practices being formed around the use of learning objects in higher education and in other related fields, explore the emerging best practices for their use, and investigate issues about and attributes of learning objects and the broader management of knowledge. The results of research by the EDUCAUSE Center for Applied Research (ECAR), the work of the NLII Learning Objects Workgroup, and the activities of the NLII Learning Objects Virtual Community of Practice will inform our discussion. To see the most recent work from these groups, visit the Learning Objects Key Theme Web page. |
Keywords: Learning objects |
Event Date(s): October 10, 2003 |
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Focus Area: Teaching and Learning |
Scope: Global |
Resource Type: Conferences, Meetings and Events |
Entry Date: February 10, 2003 |
26 North American Case Research Association Annual Conference |
NACRA's annual conference is similar to the annual meetings of other professional academic organizations. Its members meet once a year for the purpose of critiquing each other's research. Case research incorporates a case study accompanied by an Instructor's Manual (teaching note). After a case has been submitted, blind refereed, and accepted for the conference, the case is distributed to a small group of casewriters whose cases have also been accepted. Usually these groups, which are formed around similar case subjects or topics, consist of five to seven people. For example, cases focusing on business ethics and social responsibility would be grouped together as would strategy and policy cases, healthcare cases, etc. In addition to the round table discussions, there are always a number of papers presented dealing with some aspect of case research, writing, publication, or teaching. Sessions devoted to developing case ideas and to improving cases judged not ready for pres |
Keywords: Case Teaching |
Event Date(s): November 6, 2003 to November 8, 2003 |
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Focus Area: Teaching and Learning |
Scope: Global |
Resource Type: Conferences, Meetings and Events |
Entry Date: April 25, 2003 |
27 NUTN 2003 Digital Learning: The Whole Enchilada |
The conference, offered by NUTN in cooperation with Old Dominion University, Dallas TeleLearning, MBS Direct, WebCT and Blackboard, is designed to bring together distance learning administrators and practitioners; continuing education and higher education directors; college and university faculty and academic affairs personnel; distance learning faculty and staff; business and higher education partners; military education and training personnel as well as students. |
Keywords: distance education |
Event Date(s): June 1, 2003 to June 3, 2003 |
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Focus Area: Teaching and Learning |
Scope: Global |
Resource Type: Conferences, Meetings and Events |
Entry Date: April 4, 2003 |
28 Respecting Diversity in Distance Higher Education: A Multicultural and Curriculum Conference |
The conference theme for 2003 is "Respecting Diversity in Distance Higher Education." At the center of the conference are its practical interactive poster presentations that offer valuable tools that will help you assess your readiness for teaching or working in a culturally diverse education environment and offer skills to integrate culture and technology in higher education distance learning environments. Join us on Day Two for a roundtable discussion exploring the changing demographics of cultural differences in an online learning environment and why it is important that we create technology-based, culturally responsive curriculum as well as discuss future trends of the integration of multicultural curriculum with interactive learning technologies and distance education. |
Keywords: diversity |
Event Date(s): June 5, 2003 to June 6, 2003 |
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Focus Area: Teaching and Learning |
Scope: Global |
Resource Type: Conferences, Meetings and Events |
Entry Date: January 9, 2003 |
29 Striving for Excellence in Teaching: Defining It and Promoting It on Your Campus |
The Collaboration for the Advancement of College Teaching and Learning's annual Faculty Development Coordinators' Retreat provides a day for those involved in programs and initiatives to improve teaching and learning to explore issues on program development, evaluation, and leadership, and to develop strategies to take back what they’ve learned to their campuses. |
Keywords: faculty development |
Event Date(s): May 31, 2003 |
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Focus Area: Teaching and Learning |
Scope: Global |
Resource Type: Conferences, Meetings and Events |
Entry Date: April 22, 2003 |
30 Teaching Well Using Technology - Facilitator's Institute |
The purpose of this web site is to help faculty developers and technology consultants learn and implement the seven step process that helps faculty make wise decisions about technology. The site includes the handouts used during the Teaching Well Using Technology workshop, video excerpts from the workshop, discipline-specific case studies and stories that support the concepts used during the workshop, additional resources in support of the seven step process, and a bibliography |
Keywords: teaching and learning, technology |
Event Date(s): July 14, 2003 to July 17, 2003 |
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Focus Area: Teaching and Learning |
Scope: Global |
Resource Type: Conferences, Meetings and Events |
Entry Date: February 3, 2003 |
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