Richard Felder
North Carolina State University
Dr. Richard M. Felder is the Hoechst Celanese Professor Emeritus of Chemical Engineering at North Carolina State University. On his Home Page, he provides various methodologies and well-defined instructional techniques that make teaching more effective. These techniques have been validated by careful, documented, repeatable research. Apart from many other resources, The Index of Learning Styles, which is an instrument used to assess preferences on four dimensions (active/reflective, sensing/intuitive, visual/verbal, and sequential/global) of a learning style model formulated by Dr. Felder and Linda K. Silverman, is particularly useful.
Keywords:  Learning Styles, Engineering, Active Learning, Cooperative Learning, Teaching Workshops, Handouts for Students, Stoichiometry, Excel Tutorials, Maple Tutorials
Focus Area: Teaching and Learning
Scope: Global
Resource Type: People (specialists, consultants, facilitators)
Entry Date: November 27, 2001