Workshop - Teaching Content to All: Effective College Teaching
This workshop is designed for all college/university faculty who are engaged in teacher preparation, interested in honing their teaching skills, or new to the profession of teaching university students. This workshop will enable faculty to implement a variety of empirically validated teaching routines from the Strategic Instruction Model Content Enhancement Series. Content will emphasize inclusive course planning and the implementation of a variety of explicit teaching routines designed to ensure content area mastery of critical ideas and concepts by all students. Participants will explore several routines in depth, practice developing devices and routines for their coming courses, and participate in guided practice and feedback. They will be provided sample syllabi, books, and teaching resources so that Content Enhancement Routines can be infused into existing courses or new courses can be constructed. Information related to meeting additional SIM Content Enhancement Professional Deve
Keywords: course design, course planning
Event Date(s): May 27, 2003 to May 31, 2003
Focus Area: Teaching and Learning
Scope: Global
Resource Type: Conferences, Meetings and Events
Entry Date: February 10, 2003