Diversity and Learning: Education for a World Lived in Common
Higher education faces a challenge preparing students for an increasingly interdependent world--a world marked by permeable borders and persistent inequalities; a world of shifting boundaries between local and global, domestic, and international; a fractured world in profound need of socially responsible and more fully engaged citizens. For more than a decade AAC&U has helped campuses tap diversity as an educational and societal resource. This conference builds upon that by addressing: 1) cognitive and democracy outcomes of diversity initiatives ,2) connections between U.S. and global diversity ,3) religious pluralism at home and abroad ,4) migration, hybridity, and identity ,5) assessment of diversity courses, programs, and services ,6) culturally informed democratic practices and pedagogies ,7) enhancement of diversity work through technology ,8) holist
Keywords: diversity
Event Date(s): October 24, 2002 to October 27, 2002
Focus Area: Teaching and Learning
Scope: Global
Resource Type: Conferences, Meetings and Events
Entry Date: December 11, 2001