Technology Tools for Online Learning, Making the Virtual Classroom a Reality
This online course introduces faculty to tools available for online instruction. Economical, pedagogical, and technological issues surrounding the use of technology are discussed. Participants learn how to choose appropriate technologies based on sound pedagogical criteria. Course topics include the benefits and challenges of technology, asynchronous communication tools, streaming media, quizzing and testing programs, and course management systems. Class members will participate in threaded discussions via an asynchronous forum and work on a collaborative team project. Technology Tools runs for seven week, and requires a minimum of ten hours of work per week. MVCR courses have enrollment fees and can be taken for credit.
Keywords: online learning, online training, distance education, e-learning, technology, threaded asynchronous communication, sequential asynchronous communication, course management systems, streaming media
Focus Area: Teaching and Learning
Scope: Global
Resource Type: Workshops and Training Materials
Entry Date: April 28, 2002