National Institute for Science Education-College Level One
The NISE College Level One Team, based at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, is a nationwide community of post-secondary science, mathematics, engineering, and technology (SMET) faculty, education researchers, Faculty developers, and students. They sponsor year-long College Level One Institutes, which bring together nationally recognized post-secondary SMET faculty and education researchers to synthesize knowledge in critical areas of undergraduate SMET education. This knowledge is then disseminated in forms designed for SMET faculty seeking to improve their students' learning. Some of the useful resources are Collaborative Learning, Field-Tested Learning Assessment Guide, and Learning Through Technology. Links to the various brochures for Collaborative Learning are also provided.
Keywords: Collaborative Learning,Field-Tested Learning Assessment,Learning Through Technology,Meta-Analysis,Assessment Primer,Assessment Techniques,Assessment Tools,Learning Technologies
Focus Area: Teaching and Learning
Scope: Global
Resource Type: Centers, Organizations, Interest Groups
Entry Date: November 27, 2001