All the areas within Category Searches are presented to help you narrow down your search criteria and return fewer, more specific results. By inputting a Word or Phrase such as "Biology," you will receive results of content entries that contain that word or phrase. If you do not put in a Word or Phrase, you will get back all content entries within the Resource Types you selected.
By choosing a particular Resource Type*, Scope, and Focus Area, you will be able to further narrow down your search criteria and retrieve more specific content results.
For example:
1. If you are searching for grant information that pertains only to your department or institution, you would check only the Grants and Funding Sources box under Resource Types and then choose your institution (UNC Asheville for instance) under Scope. If you wish to search within a specific topic such as Teaching and Learning, you can choose that topic in the Focus Area: Otherwise, you may leave the Focus Area set to ALL.
2. If you are searching for grant information that might be provided to any individual or institution within the U.S. (the Sloan Foundation for instance), you would check only the Grants and Funding Sources box under Resource Types and then choose USA under Scope. If you wish to search within a specific topic such as Teaching and Learning, you can choose that topic in the Focus Area: Otherwise, you may leave the Focus Area set to ALL.
* For an explanation of individual Resource Types, please see the Main Help File at the top of the page.